Nordic Jurists in the Post-War Period: Merging National Interest and Progressive Humanitarianism


Datum: fredag 27 januari 2023

Tid: 16.15 – 17.45

Plats: Aula Magna (Bergmannen)

Professor Pål Wrange ger en keynote till internationella workshopen "Nordic jurists and International Law, 1880s-1970s" som äger rum vid Stockholms universitet 26–28 januari 2023. Workshopen arrangeras av Centre for Modern European Studies vid Köpenhamns universitet, PluriCourts vid Universitetet i Oslo och Hans Blix centrum för de internationella relationernas historia vid SU.

Against the backdrop of a brief history of international law in the Nordic countries, Professor Pål Wrange will discuss two episodes: the formation of policies of neutrality in Finland and Sweden, with a particular focus on Erik Castrén’s (Finland) legal doctrinal work, and the negotiations of the additional protocols to the Geneva Conventions in 1974-1977, in which special mention will be made of Hans Wilhelm Longva (Norway) and Hans Blix (Sweden).

HBC Keynote Wrange Sv (334 Kb)