Conferences and seminars

Each year, the IIES invites prominent researchers from all over the world, to hold seminars in our Seminar Series.

IIES Seminars usually take place on Tuesdays at 13.00 and/or Thursdays at 10.00 in room A822 (the IIES Seminar Room), unless otherwise stated. The seminars are in person with an option to join via Zoom and run for 75 minutes including questions. For more information contact IIES Seminar Series Administrator Tobias Kjellberg:

IIES/SNS International Policy Talks is a collaboration with the Centre for Business and Policy Studies (SNS) where the mission is to bring insights from leading international economists to the Swedish policy debate. These talks are hosted by the SNS and require prior registration via their website. 

Subscribe to seminars using Google Calendar.


Seminar Schedule: Spring 2025

Below you will find lists of the spring seminars and events at the IIES.

Job Talks

Friday January 10 at 9.30

Canishk Naik, London School of Economics
Mental Health and the Targeting of Social Assistance

Monday January 13 at 10.00

Natalie Rickard, London Business School
Sheltering from Climate Risks

Tuesday January 14 at 10.00

Guohui Jiang, University of Zurich
No Fairness, No Cooperation: Draft Dodging by the Rich and Voluntary Enlistment in World War II

Wednesday January 15 at 10.00

Sara Holttinen, University of Oxford
Financial Constraints and Misallocation in the Intangible Economy

Thursday January 16 at 10.00

Karl Aspelund, MIT
Redistribution in Environmental Permit Markets: Transfers and Efficiency Costs with Trade Restrictions

Friday January 17 at 9.30

Martin Koenen, Harvard University
Social Ties and Residential Choice: Micro Evidence and Equilibrium Implications

Monday January 20 at 14.00 NB! Time!

Gerard Maideu-Morera, Toulouse School of Economics
Amenity-Biased Technical Change

Tuesday January 21 at 9.00 NB! Time!

Amalia Repele, Bocconi University
Wealth Sorting and Cyclical Employment Risk

Wednesday January 22 at 10.00

Federica Meluzzi, CREST
The College Melting Pot: Peers, Culture and Women's Job Search

Thursday January 23 at 10.00

Jonathan Becker, New York University
Do Poor Households Pay Higher Markups in Recessions?

Friday January 24 at 9.30

Marion Brouard, CREST
Welfare Effects of Increasing Transfers to Young Adults: Theory and Evidence

Tuesday January 28 at 10.00

Linda Wu, University College London
Behavioral Responses to Estate Taxation: Evidence from Taiwan (with Tzu-Ting Yang)

Friday January 31 at 9.30

Anna Papp, Columbia University
Who bears climate change damages? Evidence from the gig economy

Monday February 3 at 10.00

Ahmet Gulek, MIT
Effects of Immigrants on Non-host Regions: Evidence from the Syrian Refugees in Turkey

Wednesday February 5 at 10.00

Gabriela Deschamps, LSE
Motherhood and Violence

Friday February 7 at 9.30

Thomas Hierons, University of Chicago
Spreading the Jam: Optimal Congestion Pricing in General Equilibrium

Seminars in the IIES Seminar Series

Tuesday March 11 at 13.00

Simon Mongey, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Title: TBA

Tuesday March 18 at 13.00

Peter Ganong, University of Chicago
Title: TBA

Tuesday March 25 at 13.00

Robert Garlick, Duke University
Title: TBA

Tuesday April 1 at 13.00

Louis-Pierre LePage, SOFI, Stockholm University
Title: TBA

Tuesday April 8 at 13.00

Barbara Petrongolo, University of Oxford
Title: TBA

Tuesday April 22 at 13.00

Seema Jayachandran, Princeton University
Title: TBA

Thursday April 24 at 10.00

Noam Yuchtman, University of Oxford
Title: TBA

Tuesday April 29 at 13.00

Orazio Attanasio, Yale University
Title: TBA

Tuesday May 6 at 13.00

Nancy Qian, Northwestern University
Title: TBA

Tuesday May 13 at 13.00

Miguel Urquiola, Columbia University
Title: TBA

Tuesday May 20 at 13.00

Dave Donaldson, MIT
Title: TBA

Tuesday May 27 at 13.00

Raquel Fernández, New York University
Title: TBA

Tuesday June 3 at 13.00

Chris Tonetti, Stanford GSB
Title: TBA

Thursday June 5 at 13.00

Leonardo Bursztyn, University of Chicago
Title: TBA


Past Seminars: 2024

Here you can find the previous year's Job Talks, Seminars in the IIES Seminar Series, IIES/SNS International Policy Talks and Defenses.


Tuesday March 5


Sule Alan, EUI
Title: Empowering Adolescents to Transform Schools: Lessons from a Behavioral Targeting

Friday March 8 N.b DAY and Time!


Jens Ludwig, University of Chicago
Title: Machine Learning as a Tool for Hypothesis Generation with Sendhil Mullainathan

Tuesday March 12

Ulf Zölitz, University of Zurich

Title: Same-Sex Teacher Effects in Education

Thursday March 14

Enrico Moretti, Berkeley

Title: Size Matters - Matching Externalities and the Advantages of Large Labor Markets with Moises Yi

Tuesday March 19

Victoria Gregory, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.

Title: Subjective Earnings Risk 

Thursday March 21

Anmol Bhandari, University of Minnesota

Title: A Perturbational Approach
 for Approximating Heterogeneous-Agent Models
, joint
 with Thomas Bourany, David Evans, and Mikhail Golosov

Tuesday March 26

Lorenzo Casaburi, University of Zurich

Title: Land markets and land allocation: evidence from Kenya and Uganda 

Thursday March 28

Benny Kleinman, University of Chicago

Title: Wage Inequality and the Spatial Expansion of Firms

Tuesday April 9

Abigail Adams-Prassl, University of Oxford

Title: The Dynamics of Abusive Relationships

Thursday April 11

Alessandro Dovis, University of Pennsylvania

Title: Long-Term Contracts, Commitment, and Optimal Information Disclosure, with Paolo Martellini.

Tuesday April 23

Sam Norris, University of British Columbia

Title: Conviction, Incarceration, and Policy Effects in the Criminal Justice System with Vishal Kamat, Matthew Pecenco

Thursday April 25

Thomas Winberry, University of Pennsylvania

Title: Capital, Ideas, and the Costs of Financial Frictions with Pablo Ottonello

Thursday May 2

Annika Bacher, BI Oslo

Title: Spousal Insurance Around the World, with Kevin Donovan, Philipp Grübener, Lukas Nord and Todd Schoellman.

Tuesday May 7

Camille Landais, LSE

Title: Gender Without Children

Tuesday May 14

Gabriel Ulyssea, UCL

Title: Rural Migrants and Urban Informality: Evidence from Brazil, w Clement Imbert

Thursday May 16 N.B Time!!

Livia Alfonsi, Harvard Business School

Title: Meet Your Future: Experimental Evidence
on the Labor Market Effects of Mentors with Mary Namubiru and Sara Spaziani

Tuesday May 21

Michela Carlana, Harvard Kennedy School

Title: How Far Can Inclusion Go? The Long-term Impacts of Preferential College Admissions, with M. Tincani and E. Miglino.

Thursday May 23

Gianluca Violante, Princeton University

Title: Job Amenity Shocks and Labor Reallocation, with Sadhika Bagga, Lukas Mann and Aysegül Sahin.

Tuesday June 18

Barbara Biasi, Yale School of Management

Title: What makes good applied economics?


Tuesday August 27

Pete Klenow, Stanford University
Title: How Much Will Global Warming Cool Global Growth?

Thursday August 29

Awa Ambra Seck, Harvard Business School
Title: En Route: The French Colonial Army, Emigration, and Development in Morocco

Thursday September 5

Guy Michaels, LSE
Title: Evaluating Urban Planning: Evidence from Dar es Salaam 

Tuesday September 10

Alexey Makarin, MIT Sloan School of Management
Title: Trade Sanctions (with Konstantin Egorov, Vasily Korovkin, and Dzhamilya Nigmatulina)

Tuesday September 17

Andrew Atkeson, UCLA
Title: Reconciling Macroeconomics and Finance for the U.S. Corporate Sector: 1929 - Present (with Jonathan Heathcote and Fabrizio Perri)

Tuesday September 24

Marta Prato, Bocconi University
Title: Career Choice of Entrepreneurs, Inventors, and Economic Growth (with Ufuk Akcigit, Harun Alp, and Jeremy Pearce)

Tuesday October 8

Joonas Tuhkuri, Stockholm University
Title: Winners and Losers of Technology Grants: Evidence on Jobs and Skills

Tuesday October 15

Hugo Reichardt, CREI
Title: Scale-Biased Technical Change and Inequality

Tuesday October 22

Eva Vivalt, University of Toronto
Title: The Employment Effects of a Guaranteed Income: Experimental Evidence from Two U.S. States

Tuesday November 12

Heather Sarsons, University of British Columbia
Title: Measuring Gender Attitudes (with Josh Dean, Christine Exley, and Muriel Niederle)

Tuesday November 19

Basile Grassi, Bocconi University
Title: The EU Miracle: When 75 Million Reach High Income

Tuesday November 26

Lena Hensvik, Uppsala University
Title: Outside opportunities and the gender gap in pay

Thursday November 28

Philippe Aghion, Collège de France
Title: Transition to green technology along the supply chain

Thursday December 5

Ana Costa-Ramon, University of Zurich
Title: (Not) Thinking about the Future: Inattention and Maternal Labor Supply

All Job Talks are held at 10.00 in the IIES Seminar Room (A822).

Wednesday January 10

Nicholas Swanson, University of California, Berkeley
Title: Under-training by Employers in Spot Labor Markets: Evidence from Burundi (with Luisa Cefala, Pedro Naso and Michel Ndayikeza)

Friday January 12

Lorenzo Incoronato, University College London
Title: Place-based Industrial Policies and Local Agglomeration in the Long run (with Salvatore Lattanzio)

Monday January 15

Lukas Freund, University of Cambridge
"Superstar Teams: The Micro Origins and Macro Implications of Coworker Complementarities"

Monday January 22

Jinglun Yao, London Business School
Title: Knowledge is (Market) Power

Friday January 26

Veronica Salazar-Restrepo, London School of Economics
Title: Does Conservation Work in General Equilibrium? (with Gabriel Leite-Mariante)

Monday January 29

Chang Liu, University of Rochester
Title: Foreign Currency Borrowing and Exporter Dynamics in Emerging Markets

Tuesday January 30

Sara Spaziani, Brown University
Title: Optimal Unemployment Insurance Financing: Theory and Evidence from Two US States

Wednesday January 31

Morgane Richard, University College London
Title: The Spatial and Distributive Implications of Working-from-home: A General Equilibrium Model

Friday February 2

Jonas Gathen, Toulouse School of Economics
Title: Making a Growth Miracle – Historical Persistence and the Dynamics of Development

Monday February 5

Guangbin Hong, University of Toronto
Title: Two-Sided Sorting of Workers and Firms: Implications for Spatial Inequality and Welfare

Wednesday February 7

Lisa Ho, MIT 
Title: Bringing Work Home: Flexible Arrangements as Gateway Jobs for Women in West Bengal

March 7 at 13.00-14.15

IIES/SNS International Policy talk - Jens Ludwig

At SNS, Jakobsbergsgatan 18, Stockholm

Early interventions are important to prevent the onset of criminal behavior. But how much is it possible to affect the choices an individual makes in life? What is the impact of behavioral programs that focus on young people's decision making?

Jens Ludwig is the Edwin A. and Betty L. Bergman Distinguished Service Professor, director of the University of Chicago’s Crime Lab, codirector of the Education Lab, and codirector of the National Bureau of Economic Research’s working group on the economics of crime.

In the area of crime, Ludwig has written extensively about gun-violence prevention. Through the Crime Lab he is also involved in partnering with policymakers in Chicago, New York City, and across the country to use tools from social science, behavioral science, and computer science to identify effective (and cost-effective) ways to help prevent crime and violence. His research has been published in leading scientific journals.

This seminar is part of the IIES/SNS International Policy Talks, a collaboration between the Institute for International Economic Studies (IIES) at Stockholm University and SNS with the mission to bring insights from leading international economists to the Swedish policy debate.

The seminar will be held in English.


Gunilla Dobrin, Founder and Method Developer, rePULSE
Jenny Kärrholm, Director of Research and Development, The Swedish National Board of Institutional Care (SiS)
Jens Ludwig, the Edwin A. and Betty L. Bergman Distinguished Service Professor, director of the University of Chicago’s Crime Lab, codirector of the Education Lab, and co-director of the National Bureau of Economic Research’s working group on the economics of crime
Camilla Waltersson Grönvall, Minister for Social Services

The seminar is chaired by Mitchell Downey, Assistant Professor at the IIES


The meeting is free of charge and open to SNS members*, specially invited guests of IIES and SNS, academia as well as media.

The seminar will take place at SNS, Jakobsbergsgatan 18, Stockholm. Register using registration button above.

*List of SNS members/Information about membership




Monday June 10th

Hörsal 9, Hus D
Fredrik Paues
Title: Essays on Housing Deregulation and Investment Behavior
Opponent: David Domeij, HHS

Tuesday June 11th

Hörsal 9, Hus D
Philipp Hochmuth
Title: Essays on Hours Worked and Cost-of-Living Inequality
Opponent: Andres Erosa, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Wednesday June 12th

Hörsal 9, Hus D
Stefan Hinkelmann
Title: On the Macroeconomics of the Energy Transition
Opponent: Robert Hart, SLU

Thursday June 13th

Hörsal 8, Hus D
Sreyashi Sen
Title: Essays on Markets and Institutions in Developing Countries
Opponent: Niklas Bengtsson, Uppsala University

Friday June 14th

Hörsal 9, Hus D
Evelina Linnros
Title: Essays on Fertility and Health
Opponent: Maarten Lindeboom, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.


Thursday September 12

Hörsal 6, Södra husen C
Fabian Sinn
Title: Essays on Labor Economics and Social Dynamics
Opponent: Peter Fredriksson, Uppsala University

Friday September 20

Hörsal 6, Södra husen C
Mohammadreza Farajpour
Title: On the Economics of Energy and Climate Change
Opponent: Daniel Spiro, Uppsala University






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