Thursday 9 March at 10.00
Christian Wolf, MIT
Title: Can Deficits Finance Themselves? with George-Marios Angeletos and Chen Lian
Thursday 16 March at 10.00
David Argente, Penn State University
Title: Strategic Complementarities in a Dynamic Model of Technology Adoption: P2P Digital Payments, with Fernando Alvarez, Francesco Lippi, Esteban Mendez and Diana Van Patten
Tuesday 21 March at 13.00
Thomas Drechsel, UMD
Title: Income Inequality and Job Creation with Sebastian Doerr and Donggyu Lee
Thursday 23 March at 10.00
Dean Karlan, Northwestern University
Title: Psychosocial Constraints and Social Protection: Evidence from Studies New, Old, Borrowed, and Blue (but Some Happy Too)
Tuesday 28 March at 13.00
Nicola Limodio, Bocconi University
Title: Mobile Money, Interoperability and Financial Inclusion
Thursday 30 March at 10.00
Anna Vitali, UCL
Title: Consumer search and firm location: Theory and Evidence from the garment sector in Uganda
Tuesday 4 April at 13.00
Tommy Andersson, Lund University
Title: A General Non-Manipulable Matching Mechanism for Markets with One-sided Preferences
Tuesday 18 April at 13.00
Corina Boar, NYU
Title: Nonlinear Inflation Dynamics in Menu Cost Economies, with Andres Blanco, Callum Jones, Virgiliu Midrigan
Tuesday 25 April at 13.00
Gordon Dahl, UCSD
Title: On the Formation of In-group Bias: The Role of Peer Group Diversity and Cultural Distance, with Dan Anderberg, Christina Felfe, Helmut Rainer and Thomas Siedler
Thursday 27 April at 10.00
Rebecca Dizon-Ross, Chicago Booth School of Business
Title: Mechanism design for personalized policy: A field experiment incentivizing behavior change, with Ariel Zucker
Tuesday 2 May at 13.00
Ludwig Straub, Harvard University
Title: Disaggregated Economic Accounts, with Asger Andersen, Emil Toft Hansen, Kilian Huber and Niels Johannesen
Thursday 4 May at 10.00
Edwin Leuven, University of Oslo
Title: College admission as a screening and sorting device, with Mikkel Gandil
Tuesday 9 May at 13.00
Doug Gollin, University of Oxford
Title: The Long-Run Development Impacts of Agricultural Productivity Gains: Evidence from Irrigation Canals in India, with Sam Asher, Ali Campion, and Paul Novosad
Thursday 11 May at 10.00
Alison Andrew, University of Oxford
Title: Gender Norms, Violence and Adolescent Girls' Trajectories: Evidence from a Field Experiment in India
Tuesday 16 May at 13.00
Luca Fornaro, CREI
Title: Monetary Policy during Unbalanced Global Recoveries, with Federica Romei
Tuesday 23 May at 10.15
Adrien Bilal, Harvard University
Title: Anticipating Climate Change Across the United States, with Esteban Rossi-Hansberg
Thursday 25 May at 10.00
Mauricio Romero, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM)
Title: The incidence of affirmative action: Evidence from quotas in private schools in India
Tuesday 30 May at 13.00
Mitchell Hoffman, University of Toronto Rotman School of Management
Title: Is This Really Kneaded? Identifying and Eliminating Potentially Harmful Monitoring Practices, with Guido Friebel, Matthias Heinz, Tobias Kretschmer and Nick Zubanov
Tuesday 29 August at 13.00
Oleg Itskhoki, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Title: Optimal Exchange Rate Policy
Thursday 31 August at 10.00
Kjetil Storesletten, University of Minnesota
Title: Serial entrepreneurship in China
Tuesday 5 September at 13.00
Kilian Huber, Chicago Booth School of Business
Title: Corporate Discount Rate with Niels Joachim Gormsen
Thursday 7 September at 10.00
Alessandra Fenizia, George Washington University
Title: Data-Driven Management Intervention in Vocational Schools in Greece, with Renata Lemos and Ioanna Pantelaiou.
Tuesday 12 September at 13.00
Joana Naritomi, LSE
Title: Cash Transfers and the Local Economy: Evidence from Brazil
Thursday 14 September at 13.00 N.B TIME!
Francois Gerard, Queen Mary's University of London
Title: Job displacement insurance in a lower-income country: Evidence From a Field Experiment in Ethiopia
Tuesday 19 September at 13.00
Arizo Karimi, Uppsala University
Title: Understanding Intimate Partner Violence Victimization & Perpetration: Risk Factors, Consequences, and Policy Implications, with Hanna Mühlrad, Susan Niknami, Petra Ornstein, and Anna Sandberg Trolle-Lindgren.
Thursday 21 September at 10.00
José Vásquez, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
Title: The Gains from Foreign Multinationals in an Economy with Distortions
Tuesday 26 September at 13.00
Giacomo de Giorgi, University of Geneva
Title: Farmers to Entrepreneurs
Thursday 28 September at 10.00
Joseph Zeira, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Title: Automation and Unemployment: Help is on the Way
Friday 29 September at 13.00 N.B! Day and Time!
Sevi Rodrigez Mora, University of Edinburgh and CEPR
Title: National Accounts in a World of Naturally Occurring Data:A Proof of Concept for Consumption
Tuesday 3 October at 13.00
Virginia Minni, Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS)
Title: Meaning at work, with Nava Ashraf, Oriana Bandiera and Luigi Zingales.
Thursday 5 October at 10.00
Gerard Padró i Miquel, Yale University
Title: Competitive Capture of Public Opinion, with Ricardo Alonso
Thursday 12 October at 10.00
Erika Deserranno, Bocconi University
Title: Gender Differences in Worker Response to the Minimum Wage
Tuesday 17 October at 13.00
Christopher A. Neilson, Yale University
Title: Student Choices and the Return to College Major and Selectivity
Thursday 19 October at 10.00
Jane Olmstead-Rumsey, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
Title: Country Banks and the Panic of 1825
Tuesday 24 October at 10.00 (N.B Time!)
Natalie Bau, UCLA
Title: Family Planning, Now and Later: Infertility Fear and Contraception Take-Up.
Thursday 26 October at 10.00
David Baqaee, UCLA
Title: Forward-Looking Growth and Cost-of-Living
Tuesday 7 November at 13.00
Federico Kochen, CEMFI
Title: Financial Frictions and the Market for Firms
Tuesday 14 November at 13.00
Bertil Tungodden, NHH Norwegian School of Economics
Title: Beliefs about Behavioral Responses to Taxation
Thursday 16 November at 10.00
Antoine Bertheau, NHH Norwegian School of Economics
Title: Why Firms Lay Off Workers Instead of Cutting Wages: Evidence From Linked Survey-Administrative Data
Tuesday 21 November at 13.00
Adam Kapor, Princeton University
Title: Search and Biased Beliefs in Education Markets
Thursday 23 November at 10.00
Eric Weese, University of Tokyo
Title: Inefficiency and Self-Determination: Simulation-based evidence from Meiji, Japan
Monday 27 November at 13.30 N.B Day and Time!
Greg Casey, Williams College
Title: The Macroeconomics of Clean Energy Subsidies
Tuesday 28 November at 13.00
Anubhav Jha, Princeton University
Title: Rally The Vote: Electoral Competition With Direct Campaign Communication
Thursday 30 November at 10.00
Florian Trouvain, Princeton University
Title: Technology Adoption, Innovation, and Inequality in a Global World