Hanna Liebiedieva föreläste om Bulgakov

Vår erasmus-praktikant, Hanna Liebiedieva, höll torsdagen den 16 november en föreläsning med titeln "Mikhail Bulgakov: his life, works and his Kyiv museum. Follow me, reader!"

Hanna Liebiedieva är doktorand vid historisk-filosofiska fakulteten, statliga universitetet i Kiev, medarbetare vid Bulgakov-museet i Kiev, och under hösten 2023 och våren 2024 erasmus-praktikant hos oss på Slaviska avdelningen, SlaBaFiNeTy.

Hanna föreläser
Hanna föreläser. Bild: Cecilia Dilworth


Mikhail Bulgakov: his life, works and his Kyiv museum. Follow me, reader!

Mikhail Bulgakov, 1928

Mikhail Bulgakov is considered one of the most prominent prose and play writers of the 20th century. He is famous for his novel ”The Master and Margarita,” which he did not see published during his lifetime. He was born and raised in Kyiv but became a popular writer in Moscow. While Stalin showed appreciation for Bulgakov, the writer never embraced Soviet ideology. He is well-known as a mystical writer, but all his works are autobiographical. Perpetually divided between Kyiv and Moscow, Bulgakov remains the subject of controversy and heated debate. We are going to talk about his remarkable works, his controversial personality and his complex and adventurous life path. All of these topics will be explored through  the exhibits from the Bulgakov Museum in Kyiv, the home of his youth, which he described in great detail in his first novel, “The White Guard.”