Chemical Safety for Science Teachers
Datum: måndag 17 juni 2024
Tid: 09.00 – 16.30
Plats: Stockholm University
One-day course about how to handle chemical in secondary schools. This is the first time we offer this course in English.
Presentations and discussions around
- Chemicals legislation
- Distribution of tasks
- Chemical inventory list
- Risk assessment
- Chemical storage
- Waste management
Small practical tasks
The cost of the course is 1200 SEK, including lunch and fika, excluding tax. It is open for application until June 3rd.
You are welcome to send questions and suggestions in advance, e.g., about the chemical inventory at your school.
Course material
The material at this website will be used.
Senast uppdaterad: 18 december 2023
Sidansvarig: Kemilärarnas resurscentrum