

SU users


Academic users outside SU


Non academic users

Wide field microscopes      
Leica DMRI 60 120 300
Cell Observer system 175*/150** 350*/300** 1400
TIRF system 175*/150** 350*/300** 1400
Confocal microscopes      
LSM 800 Airyscan 175*/150** 350*/300** 1400
LSM 780 175*/150** 350*/300** 1400
LSM 510 Meta 175*/150** 350*/300** 1400
Transmission electron microscope      
Tecnai 175*/150** 350*/300** 1400
Work stations for image processing      

Work station for LSM 780 and TIRF

Software; ZEN blue and ZEN black

0 100 250

Work station for Cell Observer

Software; SlideBook

0 100 250
Work station for IMARIS 50 100 250

Introductory training sessions

(2x2 hours)

1000 2000 2000
Assistance / staff time 300 600 1500


Extensive time laps studies > 4 hrs are encouraged to be performed over night (20.00 - 08.00) or at weekends at a reduced cost of 700 SEK.


* Up to 100 hours/year

** Over 100 hours/year