The struggle of the Venezuelan National Assembly and its geopolitical implications


Date: Friday 29 September 2023

Time: 10.00 – 11.30

Location: Library of the Institute of Latin American Studies (House B, Floor 5) and Zoom. OBS! New time

Horacio Meza (Autonomous Metropolitan University), Master student of International Relations. His research interest includes International economy, geopolitics and Latin American Studies.

Horacio Meza_Privat
Horacio Meza. Foto: Privat

The aim of this presentation is to explore the geopolitical interest of the actors that are behind the support of the National Assembly, to understand why it’s the main interest in this country.

Before the dead of former president of Venezuela Hugo Chávez Nicolás Maduro inherited the lead of the country in 2013, the internal struggle for a change of power starts with the election of 2015 of a new Venezuelan National Assembly that’s its composed primary with candidates of the opposition, who promotes an impeachment to Maduro because of his mayor failures with the economy and resources of the country. Also de United States starts to punish the economy with sanctions to pressure the exit of Maduro. For 2017 the government create a new National Constituent Assembly to promote a new constitution, this actions increase the pressure of foreign countries to punish even more the economy. It´s in 2019 when the National Assembly decided to promote an interim government that can take out Maduro and realize fair elections. In this moment the struggle for power turns international because of the recognition of mayor actors like US, EU, Brazil and other countries to the new government. The years of international support for the National Assembly was designed to control part of the richness in resources of the country and to promote a change of foreign partners to take out the influence of China, Russia, Cuba and Iran, that’s are considered geopolitical enemies in the region.


The research seminar on Latin American studies is open to scholars interested in Latin American issues. It welcomes the presentation of papers from researchers and PhD students from different social science disciplines. The seminar takes place on Fridays 14:00 – 15:30 every second week (odd numbers) at the Library of the Institute of Latin American Studies (House B, Floor 5). For further information on the research seminar please contact:

Organizer of the seminars: Andrés Rivarola Puntigliano