Seeing like a smuggler: Perception and embodiment in border studies
Datum: onsdag 17 januari 2024
Tid: 14.00 – 15.00
Plats: Zoom
Shahram Khosravi är forskare i socialantropologi vid Stockholms universitet och forskar om migration, fördrivning och gränser. Khosravi ger en presentation om synen på smuggling och vad den säger om nationalstater och gränser. Khosravi kommer att diskutera hur smuggling har vuxit fram som ett betydelsefullt svar på de kriser och oförenligheter som finns inbyggda i gränssystemet. Presentationen följs av diskussion med Naja Bjørnsson från Lunds universitet, och frågor från deltagare.
Seeing like a smuggler
Perception and embodiment in border studies
When: Wednesday January 17, 2024, at 14:00-15:00 CET (Stockholm, Berlin, Rome)
Where: Zoom. The webinar is free of charge, but you have to register to attend.
Shahram Khosravi (Stockholm University) gives a presentation, followed by a discussion with Naja Bjørnsson (Lund university) and questions from participants.
In this talk, Shahram Khosravi will discuss how smuggling has emerged as a significant response to the crises and contradictions inherent in the border regime. The term 'smuggler' often conjures a simplified, negative image propagated by the media and authorities. Such state-centric perspectives conceal the myriad social, political, and economic relations associated with smuggling. However, if we shift our focus to examining borders from below, the nature of smuggling takes on a different light. In contrast to the seeing-from-above approach which is based on externalizing irregularities such as smuggling as criminal act, from below identifies the contradictions and inconsistencies within the nation-state system.
About the series
This is the eighth seminar of the series Dwelling, elsewhere: Comparative-methodological perspectives on borderland inhabitation, arranged and moderated by William Kutz and the Öresund Comparative Borderland Research Group, funded by CEMES.
Senast uppdaterad: 9 december 2023
Sidansvarig: Socant