Salary Review

Salary review 2020–2023

Information about the salary review at Stockholm University; local RALS-agreement till September 30, 2023.


Local RALS-agreement till September 30, 2023

Stockholm University has signed local salary agreements with our employee organisations, Saco-S, OFR/S and Seko for the period up until 30 September 2023. The agreement states that salaries will be reviewed on 1 January 2021 and 1 October 2022. The parties are in agreement that salaries are to be individual and differentiated. The agreement does not include any individual guarantees.

The agreement also contains a one-off sum of SEK 1,200 for employees subject to the salary revision. This sum will be paid out with February’s salary 2022. In line with the new agreement, provisions on healthcare costs will cease as of 1 February 2022. Receipts dated prior to 1 February will be reimbursed as per the previous agreement.

The doctoral student salary increments will be adjusted as of 1 October 2020, 1 October 2021 and 1 October 2022. Doctoral student salaries paid out in February will include retroactive payments from October 2020. Doctoral students will not receive the one-off payment.

Salary review 2022

Support material is available for both managers and staff before the salary review. You can prepare for the meeting by accessing the support information below.
>> Stockholm University’s Pay Policy
>> The University’s salary criteria

The new salary will apply from 1 October 2022 and is planned to be paid with the December salary.

Dialogue between Managers and Employees

Individual salary determination requires dialogue between managers and employees.

Individual salary determination requires dialogue between managers and employees. All employees should have an annual performance review with their immediate manager. Managers are advised to offer their employees a salary review meeting preceding a salary review. Following the salary review, the employees should be notified of their new salary.

The purpose of the salary review is to:

  • employees must be informed on what grounds the salary is set
  • employees are given feedback on work performed
  • contribute to an understanding of the connection between goals, work effort and salary.

To support the salary review, there are templates for assessing results and skills:


Salary review 2021 completed – date for signing agreements

Stockholm University and the trade unions signed agreements on new individual salaries in the salary revision in 2021. The agreements were signed on 4 May 2021. The new salaries was paid in May and applied retroactively from 1 January 2021.

Salary review 2022 completed – date for signing agreements

Stockholm University and the trade unions signed agreements on new individual salaries in the salary revision in 2022. The agreements were signed on 25 November 2022. The new salaries will be paid in December salary and applies retroactively from 1 October 2022.

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