What does intelligent machines and sophisticated algorithmic systems mean for the sustainability sciences, our relation to ecosystems and the living planet, and our collective abilities to build resilience for a more turbulent future?

SRC+AI is a series of lectures, workshops and conversations where we explore these issues from the perspectives of resilience science and biosphere stewardship. We combine lectures from leading researchers exploring the various aspects of AI and its impact on people and planet, critical reflections about potential harms and risks, as well as hands-on learning opportunities that use AI for multi- and transdisciplinary research.

Kickstarting our series, this seminar led by Joacim will equip you with the knowledge on how generative AI can be used in several parts of the research process. When he is not talking about the virtues (and perils) of AI, Joacim serves as an Associate Professor and Program Director of the Firm Competitiveness program at the Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN) and is a Distinguished Visiting Professor in Economics and Finance at Hanken School of Economics.

Sign-up is mandatory
The events are IRL, open to all but will prioritize researchers from Stockholm Resilience Centre, the Beijer Institute, and Stockholm University as a whole. Sign up here. For directions, click here.


  • ChatGPT in Research. May 14th, 12:30-13:30, Albanovägen 28, 4th B1413-Holling. Speaker: Joacim Tåg.
  • Social impacts of AI tools. May 24th (Time and place TBC). Speaker: Emma Engström.
  • Sensors and AI in ecological research and monitoring. May 28th (Time and place TBC). Speaker: Jonas Hentati Sundberg
  • Foundation Models for climate and society (Date and place TBC). Speaker: Arnt-Børre Salberg.