Funding to research about leadership in digitalized work environments

Nick Butler has received research funding of SEK 4,668,000 from the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) for the research project "Leading by Algorithm: Reconfiguring the Nature of Leadership in Digitalized Work Environments".

The project examines the development and application of digital leadership tools in high-performance organizations. The aim is to gain insights into how data-driven analytics are transforming the nature and scope of leadership in digitalized work environments. The project addresses two main questions: How is the task of leadership transformed by algorithms, and how do data-driven analytics affect the leader-follower relationship? Together with Dr Sverre Spoelstra at Copenhagen Business School and Dr Emilie Hesselbo at Lund University, Nick Butler is conducting qualitative research in the Swedish tech sector. The project runs from January 2024 until December 2026.

Nick Bulter is an Associate Professor at the Management section at Stockholm Business School since 2016. He previously worked at Lund University as a postdoctoral researcher and St Andrews University, Scotland as a lecturer. Prior to this, he trained at the universities of Warwick, Sussex, and Leicester in the UK.

Nick Butler
Nick Butler, Associate Professor at the Management section.

Read more about Nick Butler