Conferences and seminars
Welcome to open seminars at Score!
The weekly Score seminar constitutes an important arena for the exchange of ideas and critical examination of research activities and results. Most seminars are given by and for Score researchers, but some are opened up for guest lecturers and a wider audience.
Open Seminars 2025
Spring Term 2025
Seminar managers: Ulrik Jennische and Kristina Tamm Hallström
Venue: Score, Frescativägen 14 A, Stockholm University
Thursday 16 January 2025 at 10.00-11.30
Martin Qvist & Cristian Lagström: Hållbar upphandling av vård
Thursday 23 January 2025 at 10.00-11.30
Joakim Landahl & Daniel Lövheim: Between the media and the state: allies and antagonists in the Swedish school student movement
Thursday 6 February 2025 kl. 10.00-11.30
Jenny de Fine Licht & Louise Skoog: Location of Public Services: Legitimacy, Challenges, and Solutions in Sweden
Thursday 13 February 2025 kl. 10.00-11.30
Kajsa Lindberg: Hybridsalar: hur expertis koordineras, används och utvecklas i relation till avancerad teknologi
Thursday 6 March 2025 kl. 10.00-11.30
Johanna Ringar & Johan Boberg: Att tänka rätt och fritt är störst: City-universitetet och den högre utbildningens marknadisering
Open Seminars 2024
Autumn Term 2024
Seminar managers: Mats Jutterström and Ulrik Jennische
Venue: Score, Frescativägen 14 A, Stockholm University
Thursday 5 September 2024, 10.00-11.30
Johan Alvehus: Administration i offentlig sektor: Om expansion, elevering och mittokrati
Thursday 19 September 2024, 10.00-11.30
Pablo Lillo Cea: The World-Class Ordination: A Field Theory Approach to the Study of Global University Rankings
Thursday 3 October 2024, 10.00-11.30
Númi Östlund & Helena Hede Skagerlind: Det är resultatet som räknas: För en bättre resultatredovisning av biståndet
Thursday 31 October 2024, 10.00-11.30
Andreas Asplén Lundstedt: Hur stater organiserar kapacitet att förvandla folk till fall: Den moderna migrationskontrollens uppkomst och juridifiering i Kanada och Sverige
Thursday 21 November 2024, 10.00-11.30
Ignasi Capdevila: The Impact of Remote Work on Organizational Dynamics
Thursday 12 December 2024, 10.00-11.30
Arne Kaijser: Maktens maskiner. Hur stora datorer moderniserade folkhemmet
Spring Term 2024
Seminar managers: Per Lundin and Mats Jutterström
Venue: Score, Frescativägen 14 A, Stockholm University
Thursday 18 January 2024, 10.00-11.30
Jenny Andersson and Orsi Husz: Presentation of the book Marknadens tid. Mellan folkhemskapitalism och nyliberalism
Thursday 15 February 2024, 10.00-11.30
Marcus Mohall and Pär Wikman: Kollektivtrafiken: Nyliberala förhoppningar och grå reformer i Storstockholms Lokaltrafik
Thursday 7 March 2024, 10.00-11.30
Mairon G. Bastos Lima: Presentation of the book The Politics of Bioeconomy and Sustainability: Lessons from Biofuel Governance, Policies and Production Strategies in the Emerging World
Thursday 21 March 2024, 10.00-11.30
Maria Jansson: Politisk resignation? Om reglering av tv-fiktion och strömningsplattformar
Thursday 25 April 2024, 10.00-11.30
Dieter Plehwe: Complex organizing across networks. The Neoliberal Atlas Think Tank Network 2000-2022
Thursday 2 May 2024, 10.00-11.30
Eva Lövbrand: Doing justice in the European transition to climate neutrality: why, how, and for whom?
Score Lectures on Organization
About every second year (sometimes more frequently), Score hosts a Score Lecture on Organization, to which a distinguished international scholar is invited to present his or her research on organization. Score Lectures on Organization are open to a wider audience.
Professor Juliane Reinecke, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford
Professor Emeritus Richard Swedberg, Cornell University
Professor Cris Shore, University of Auckland
Professor John W. Meyer, Stanford University
Professor Marie-Laure Djelic, ESSEC Business School, Cergy
Professor Peter Miller, London School of Economics
Professor Barbara Czarniawska, Gothenburg Research Institute
Professor Niel Fliegstein, University of California, Berkely
Professor Stewart Clegg, University of Technology, Sydney

The Good Economy Seminar

The good economy: tools and practices for climate transitions and sustainable economies
What does a fossil free future look like? How, and to what, are the transitions made from an oil-dependent society? The Paris Agreement mentions financial flows as crucial for a transition towards low carbon and climate resilient societies. Yet in the fragmented, post-Paris polycentric world the institutional voids and many overlapping and unclear definitions of sustainable investments, makes the question of what a future “good economy” might look like, largely unsettled.
“The good economy” has been suggested as a conceptual and empirical move for investigating how economies and versions of the good are entangled (Asdal et al 2021, Biosocieties). But can flows of investment capital be put to use for good ends? How are sustainability ends possibly combined with expected investment returns? How do we conceptually, theoretically and empirically understand the ongoing efforts at transitioning the economy towards a more sustainable and fossil free version?
The “good economy”, understood in a broad sense, is the theme for key notes and working paper presentations in this seminar series where we will invite scholars across disciplinary fields to present and discuss their work related to this topic.
Past seminars
15 September 2022, 10.00-11.30
Kristin Asdal “The good economy: tools and practices for climate transitions and sustainable economies”, Score, Stockholm Centre for Organizational Research and Zoom.
13 October 2022, 10.00-11.30
Yuval Millo, Warwick Business School, Juliane Reinecke, University of Oxford, and Susan Copper, King’s College London “Future-proofing Pensions funds from Climate Risk”, Score, Stockholm Centre for Organizational Research and Zoom.
The seminar series is organized by:
Linda Soneryd, Score, Stockholm Centre for Organizational Research, PI of Fossil Free Futures
In cooperation with
Kristin Asdal, TIK, Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture, PI of Value threads
Yuval Millo, Warwick Business School
Anniversary Seminars 2022
10 March 2022
Göran Ahrne, Professor Emeritus of Sociologi, Score and the department of Sociology, Stockholm university: "Om organisationer och andra relationer"
31 March 2022
Ingrid Gustafsson Nordin, Ph.D, Public Administration, Score: "How standards rule the world. The construction of a global control regime"
28 April 2022
Nils Brunsson, Professor of Management, Score and Stefan Arora-Jonsson, Professor of Managemnet, Uppsala University: "Vad är konkurrens - och hur uppstår den?"
12 May 2022
Susanna Alexius, Associate Professor, Management: "Att leda komplexa uppdrag"
15 September 2022
Göran Sundström, Professor of Political Science: "Brutet förvaltningskontrakt. Om metastyrning av svensk biståndsförvaltning"
9 Februray 2023
Mikaela Sundberg, Professor of Sociology: "Fraternal relations in monasteries: The laboratory of love"

Anniversary Lectures 2018
In 2018, Score celebrated 25 years with a series of anniversary lectures. After the lecture, Score offered refreshments and live music.
14 March 2018
Staffan Furusten & Andreas Werr: The Organization of the Expert Society
12 April 2018
Göran Sundström & Bengt Jacobsson: En modern myndighet. Trafikverket som ett förvaltningspolitiskt mikrokosmos
24 May 2018
Nils Brunsson & Mats Jutterström: Organizing and Reorganizing Markets
17 August 2018
Christina Garsten & Adrienne Sörbom: Book release! Discreet Power: How the World Economic Forum Shape Market Agendas
13 September 2018
Renita Thedvall & Jen Sandler: Meeting Ethnography: Architecture, Practice, and Maker
5 November 2018
Kristina Tamm Hallström & Carl Yngfalk: Att organisera hållbar konsumtion: miljöcertifiering i granskningssamhället
6 December 2018
Cris Shore: ‘A Conspiracy of Illusion’? Performance-Based Metrics, New Public Management and the Politics of Accountability
17 January 2019
Martin Gustavsson: A Swedish history of financial aid to students: from means-tested gifts to general study loans, 1939–2015
21 March 2019
Mikaela Sundberg: Brotherhood in voluntary total institutions: What we learn from the French Foreign Legion and Cistercian monasteries

Last updated: February 6, 2025
Source: Score