About the centre

Welcome, to SUCCeSS, Stockholm University Center for Circular and Sustainable Systems.

SUCCeSS is a center and virtual meeting place for broad interdisciplinary research on circular and sustainable systems, collaboration with industries and policymakers. A way for researchers to meet across subject boundaries and thus be able to work together towards a common goal. 


Our vision

To lead transformative research and engagement on circular and sustainable systems.


Our mission

  • Provide a stimulating environment for transdisciplinary research on sustainable chemicals and materials
  • Identify and address needs for sustainable chemicals and materials in collaboration with policy makers, industries and civil society 
  • Promote interdisciplinary training in the field of circular and sustainable systems

Research focus areas

The research will focus on methodologies that enable circular and sustainable processing of chemicals, materials and products. We aim to impact the production and consumption by reducing resource-use and waste-generation. 

  • Less consumptive processes for CO2 neutral materials/chemicals/products
  • Benign-by-design materials, concepts for essential chemicals use
  • Use of CO2 as a raw material, for example CO2 conversion to H2 and methanol
  • Energy from biomass
  • Recycling/upcycling of wastes and side streams
  • Resource efficient and zero waste processing
  • Hazard and risk screening during processing/use /end-of-life
  • Using and developing new methodologies for evaluating environmental foot-print
  • Environmental law and policy, standards related to circular processes

Transdisciplinary research on development of circular systems through design optimization and decision making using digital tools. Using artificial intelligence as machine learning tools for hazard evaluation and screening as well as and validation of performance. We also aim to establish processes for data management, data curation, data storage and data sharing and contribute to the development of standards.

  • Machine learning for toxicity screening
  • AI for organic chemistry
  • Material informatics
  • Machine learning for design optimization
  • Social aspects on AI 

We work on transdisciplinary research integrating system understanding, development and validation of circular solutions for sustainable food and water, including blue economy. 

  • Identifying new challenges in circular food and water systems
  • Biomass management for food, feed and energy (agricuitural waste, food waste, marine waste) 
  • Sustainable pesticide and fertilizer use 
  • Managing and utilizing water as a limited resource, including sustainable water treatment solutions
  • Water splitting, photocatalytic chemistry including theoretical aspects
  • Circular nutrient flow, nutrient recovery

Our people and the SUCCeSS community

SUCCeSS is led by a board, a director and a deputy director. The board consists of a chair and 6-8 other members, who are appointed for a period of three years by the President of Stockholm University. SUCCeSS will also have a Scientific Advisory Council with internationally leading researchers, whose initial tasks are to provide strategic advice and guidance on research within the center, develop strong networks of relevance for the work of the center, and evaluate applications for SUCCeSS own calls. 

Meet our people

Meet the SUCCeSS community

Senior advisors


Annual reports from SUCCeSS

Below you will find our annual reports from SUCCeSS. By reading them, you can gain a deeper insight into our progress, challenges and lessons learnt. We hope you will take the time to go through these reports to better understand our work and the results we have achieved. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or would like to discuss the content further.

SUCCeSS Annual report 2023 (5143 Kb)

SUCCeSS Annual report 2022 (5104 Kb)

SUCCeSS Annual report 2021 (304 Kb)


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