Study in the library

The library has about 1400 individual study places and 42 group study rooms. Printers, wireless network and other facilities are also available. All visitors are welcome to use the study places.

 The entrance floor of the library has several areas suitable for group study and discussions. Conversation is permitted everywhere except in the quiet reading room, The Bergdahl Room. 

Several students studying in hte Bergdahl Room in Frescati Library. Photo Karl Edqvist
Photo: Karl Edqvist

The upper floor and the stairs is a quiet zone with several spaces for quiet study. The group study rooms are mainly located on the upper floor and are only available for students of Stockholm University.

There are several public computers in the library, most of which require login with a university account. A few computers are available without login for searches in the library catalogue, and one computer is available where visitors can access our databases and other e-resources.
Find your way in the library


We want everybody to have the best possible study and work environment Here you can read our library etiquette guidelines, developed in collaboration with student representatives. 

Please show respect for fellow library users and library staff. Speak in a low voice and keep your phone on silent mode so that everyone can study in peace. Please respect the quiet zones and avoid talking when on the stairs between floors or when leaving the group study rooms on the upper floor. Avoid strong fragrances out of respect for allergy sufferers. Kindly respect that the premises are used for studying and not for sleeping. No types of transport, such as bikes, are allowed in the library. 

Keep the study areas tidy. Please leave your study area in the same condition as you wish to find it. Tidy up when you have finished, place any garbage in the bins provided and arrange the furniture as you have found it before leaving. 

No food is allowed in the library. Drinks, fruit and sweets are permitted in the library, but nothing that smells or stains. If you drink coffee, please choose a cup with a lid. This also applies in the group study rooms.


Please never leave your phone, computer or other valuables unattended. Bring them with you whenever you leave your seat, even if only for a few minutes.
The library is open to the public, and usually has thousands of visitors every day.
Unfortunately, thefts do occur.


Book a group study room or a resource room

Students at Stockholm University can book a group study room. The library has 45 group study rooms of various sizes. 

The library has four resource rooms available which have computers adapted specifically for students with disabilities. You need an access card to book and use these rooms.

The group study rooms and resource rooms are available when the library is open. Please note changed opening hours during holidays.

Book a group study room

When booking a group room, please consider the following:

  • You can book a room for up to ten hours at a time, and at the earliest a fortnight in advance.
  • Please cancel the room if you are not going to use it .
  • Some rooms are designed for one person, others are larger and can accommodate groups of up to 6-8 people. Choose the right size for your needs, for better ventilation and best use of the rooms.
  • To find your way to a room you have booked, please refer to the map of the library. Rooms 1-40 are located on the upper floor, and rooms A-H on the entrance floor.

Etiquette guidelines for group rooms:

  • You may not rearrange the furniture, e.g. move more chairs into the room.
  • No food is permitted in the rooms. 
  • Please leave the room in the condition you wish to find it.

There are a number of adapters for lending, to enable you to connect your computer to the screen in the room. Ask the staff at the information points.

Keep in mind that you need an access card to access the resource rooms. You can get an access card from the  coordinator for special pedagogical support. 
How to apply for support

Booking rules:

  • It is possible to book a room for a maximum of 4 hours per week, and at least 2 hours at a time.
  • Book no earlier than 14 days before the room is required.
  • Rooms may not be booked for examinations.
  • In the case of improper use of the rooms or the equipment, your library access card may be revoked.

Rent a locker or trolley

As a student at Stockholm University, you can rent a locker or trolley in the library for storing study materials. The rental fee is 400 SEK per year for trolleys and large lockers and 300 SEK per year for small locker.

There are two different sizes of lockers and one kind of trolley (which pulls out of a cabinet). See the different variants below:

Small locker. Photo: Cecilia Burman
Large locker. Photo: Cecilia Burman
Trolley. Photo: Cecilia Burman

To rent a locker, you must be registered at an institution at Stockholm University and also have an active library account with student status at the library.

  • You will receive an offer for a locker or trolley.
  • When you accept the offer, a key is lent to you as a book loan. A rental charge is also applied to your account.
  • You pay the rental cost via My library account or when you pick up the key. Once the rent has been paid, it is not possible to change locker or trolley.
  • You collect the key to your locker or trolley at the library's information points.

Apply to rent a locker or trolley (university login)

Please note that you have 7 days to pay and collect the key. After 7 days, the key is returned and the rental cost disappears from your loan account.

The key must be returned no later than the day the rental period expires. Return your key at the library information points. In case of any delay, a fee of 10 SEK per day is charged.

After 30 days, the key is considered lost and a compensation fee of 600 SEK is imposed. After a further 30 days, the locker is emptied and the contents are returned to lost-and-found property at the Library Service Centre.

Prolonging of the rental period can only take place if no one is queuing to rent a locker or trolley.


I undertake to:

  • be responsible for the safe keeping and handling of the key, and agree to a penalty charge of 600 SEK upon losing or misplacing the key.
  • never sublet or lend the key, or locker, to other users.
  • never to make copies of the key.
  • inform the Library in the event of losing the key.
  • return or present the key, if prompted to do so by the Library
  • not keep library materials in the locker without first having borrowed them nor keep any journals or reference materials in the locker.

The library is not responsible for personal belongings stored in lockers.

The Library reserves the right to open the locker for routine checks. If unallowed materials are found, the Library has the right to revoke the use of the locker for the remainder of the rental period, with no refund.

You may not simultaneously queue for a new rental period while you are renting a locker.


Your rental period can be extended after one year, if no one is queuing to rent a locker.

If you want to rent your locker for an additional year, please take the key with you to the library's information points. The key is returned and when possible reloaned. A rental fee has to be payed in connection with the reloan.


Printing, scanning and copying

On the entrance floor of the library you will find two machines for printing, scanning and copying. They are connected to Stockholm University's printing system, Printomat. This means that you can use any of the printers on the university’s campus, with an enabled university card. 

Using the University card to log in to the Printomat. Photo Karl Edqvist
Photo: Karl Edqvist

Before printing with Printomat, students buy printouts by logging in to “My printouts”.

When you log in to “My printouts” you will also find print out prices, your balance and your transaction history, as well as a list of the Printomats at all the campuses of the university.

Login to “My printouts” 
Order a university card 

You can print from the public computers in the library or in the data labs. All Printomats at the university are connected to the same network and have a common print queue. You can pick up your prints at any Printomat. If there is a queue for the library’s Printomats you can pick up your prints at one of the other Printomats on campus.
The printers are set by default to print black and white  and double-sided on A4 paper.  Further information is available on the Service Portal on how to change settings, for instance, for color, single-sided, A3 paper, stapling, etc.

Change settings when printing from a PC
Change settings when printing from a Mac 

If you want to print from your own computer, you first need to change a few settings. Follow the instructions on the Service Portal:

Add Printomat to a private computer (Windows 10)
Add Printomat to a private computer (MacOS 10.11 or later)

Scanning is free, but you need to buy printout quota for the service to work. The files you scan are sent to the email address connected to your university account. 

Read more about scanning on the Service Portal

You can copy in black and white or color on the Printomats.
Photocopies may be used for private use only. Private use means that the photocopies cannot be used in any way that might be considered commercial.  

According to the Copyright Act (1960:729), photocopying entire books is forbidden.

Material from the library's rarities collections may not be photocopied.

Read more about copying in the Service Portal

Photocopy cards can be borrowed at the information desk where you also pay for your photocopies. We only accept card payment. Printing and scanning are not possible.


Access to wifi in the library

You can connect your own laptop to the wireless network throughout the library. 

Students and employees at the university use the university account to login. External visitors can get a temporary login at the library. The temporary login can be found near the entrance of the library. The temporary login is valid for one week at a time.

To gain access to the library’s e-resources as an external visitor use the library’s temporary login. This login works on your own laptop or on one of the computers at the library. You must be on the university campus for the login to work. 

Eduroam can be used for general internet access, but the library’s e-resources can only be accessed via the university network.



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