Study abroad

Exchange studies are perfect for those who wish to explore the world. On this page, you will find what information on how to go abroad for a semester or two!

As a student at Stockholm University, you have the opportunity to study one or two semesters at one of our partner universities around the world. Stockholm University is part of several international networks and has exchange agreements with several hundred universities around the world.

On this page you will find information about exchange studies at the universities with which our department has an agreement. There are also central agreements, with other universities, that students from all departments at Stockholm University can apply for.

Read more about central exchange partnerships

You can also study abroad on your own, then you are not bound to a university with which there is an agreement. It gives you great freedom of choice, but means that you must obtain all the information yourself, handle course choices and applications, keep in touch with universities and authorities and pay any tuition fees.

Incoming exchange student

Are you looking for an Erasmus or exchange year at Stockholm university? Follow the link below for information for incoming students.

Incoming exchange students


Where can I go?

We have exchange agreements with universities around the world that offer interesting courses in chemistry, including the University of Illinois Urban Champagne in the USA, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore and University of Western Australia. We also have several agreements within Erasmus, for example in the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium and France.

Some of our partners are descibed below.

For the complete list of agreements, please click link:

Database for departmental student exchanges (filter with Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics och Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry).

Why not study in the middle of Europe? Excellent facilites, and courses in English at the faculty of Science, close to everything and an Erasmus scholarship. Next semester at University of Amsterdam?

Through Erasmus + you can study at the University of Amsterdam. Here you will find  high quality education, excellent facilites and a university with a strong international character and students from all over the world.

The University of Amsterdam is at the forefront of its research in, for example, environmental chemistry and organic chemistry. Therefore, an exchange here may be particularly suitable for you who have chosen such a focus on your studies. By paying a fee, students can get help finding housing and during your stay you have regular contact with a local study counselor - all to make your experience as good as possible.

In addition to the studies, there is so much to explore. Amsterdam offers both entertainment and adventure for everyone, whether it is culture, food, shopping or nightlife you are interested in. The city has beautiful buildings, canals, bridges and cobbled streets - perfect to explore from the bicycle saddle or on foot. Amsterdam has a large selection of museums and there is much to learn about both the country's and Europe's culture. The city houses lots of restaurants, pubs, cafes and nightclubs in different styles. The city is also known for its delicious chocolate and cheese!

You can travel to other parts of Europe without having to board a flight. In less than five hours you can, for example, take a train to London. It only takes two hours to Brussels and three and a half to Paris.

Read more at their own webpage.

Exchange at the university of Amsterdam

Photo: Photo by gokulnaath on Unsplash

In Europe, studies are offered mainly in the local language, but this is not the case in Flemish Belgium. The education at the University of Ghent is of a very high quality and from the third year of the bachelor's program you can read all courses in English.

One of the universities linked to the Erasmus + exchange program is the University of Ghent. Here you can count on an education that is of very high quality and a university with a strong international character and students from all over the world.

Our exchanges with Ghent are mainly focused on biochemistry and biological applications, perfect for you who are interested in protein and neurochemistry. 

You will be studying at the center of Europe, and travel to other parts of Europe without having to board a flight. London? Paris? Brussels all within a couple of hours on a train!

Find more information on their webpage

Our most popular country to go on an exchange to is always Singapore. We understand everyone who wants to go there! Modern, warm and orderly.

Everyone speaks English and they really invest in both research and education. Our partner university in Singapore is called Nanyang Technological University, NTU and is considered one of the best universities in Asia and the world.

Within our agreement, we have access to twelve half-year places at the school at the entire Faculty of Science. The language of instruction is English but the connection to Sweden is strong, the former principal, the biochemist Professor Bertil Andersson from our own section, was Swedish like many researchers.

The school offers studies in all natural science subjects and a large selection of courses in each area.

Read more about the courses available in chemistry, physics and mathematics at Nanyang Technological University.

Singapore is the land of experiences with a big city pulse, world-class shopping and a warm tropical climate. Here you can eat food from all corners of the world - including meatballs with lingonberry jam at IKEA if the longing for home becomes too strong. Do you want to surf in Bali? Shopping in Jakarta? Or go to the night market in Kuala Lumpur? Lots of adventures are within reach.

As an exchange student in Singapore, you have a housing guarantee and the student loan lasts significantly longer here than at home. For example, you can eat on campus for a couple of Sing-dollars (SEK 15-20). Here is a subway that for a couple of kroner takes you everywhere and you never risk getting stuck in a sticky chewing gum. Chewing gum cannot be bought in Singapore and a cleaner country is difficult to find.

Chemistry students from SU have the possibility to do an exchange at the University of Western Australia (UWA). UWA is one of Australia’s oldest and most prestigous universities, with a large and world-leading faculty in chemistry, biological chemistry and medicine.

UWA has a wonderful campus, with old sandstone buildings and court-yards, that sits on the banks of the Swan River, 5 mins (drive) from the centre of Perth. Directly adjacent to UWA is Kings Park, a 400 hectare space that contains cafes, parks, botanical gardens and conserved bushland (complete with wild kangaroos). The university campus has every sporting facility imaginable, and an active student population that uses them. The university campus and Kings Park host outdoor theatres and cinemas through the summer months, where one can pack a picnic and enjoy a glass of wine or a cold ‘tinny’ under the great southern sky.

Perth itself is a modern and vibrant city with a population of around 2 million people. It has a multi-cultural population, that mixes the best of Europe with the best of Asia. Most importantly it has some of the best beaches in Australia, with warm water, clean white sand and waves, which you will have to share with a growing population of great white sharks.:wink:


Why not try college life in the US during a semester of your master? Full credit transfer to your degree when you return!

The University of Illinois is located in the twin cities of Urbana and Champaign, about 200 miles south of Chicago. The university is very large with over 40,000 students!

Urbana and Champaign meet in the student area Campustown. There are several bus lines that connect the campus with the twin cities. The two cities also have their own downtown, Downtown Urbana and Downtown Champaign.

The university, also known as the UIUC (University of Illinois Urbana Champaign), has nurtured generations of researchers in a strong scientific environment since the 19th century. Here you can choose to read courses such as drug development, cell signaling, animal behavior, environmental toxicology and so on.

As a student, you can either on "on campus" or "off campus", ie on or off the student area itself. Living outside is cheaper than living more centrally and you can easily get to school by bus. The main street where most restaurants and bars are located is called Green Street. The food out there is generally reasonably priced and there is a great variety.
American Football

If you want to train, there are many options. As a student, you can train for free at the university's gym and the school also offers everything from basketball, tennis and badminton to ice skating, swimming pools and a running track (both indoors and outdoors). If there are not enough sports clubs you can get involved in - you can, for example, go away and climb mountains, etc. At UIUC, basketball and American football are the two big college sports. American football is played in the fall semester and basketball in the spring semester.

Illinois is in the middle of the country, making all corners of the United States accessible a few hours' flight away. You can also rent a car and go on road trips relatively cheaply.

More information about college life at UIUC on their own website

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

How do I apply?

You must first apply for exchange studies through SU’s Mobility Online form, during the periods specified under “When do I apply”.

Mobility Online platform
In your application, you will select the universities you are interested in and provide your motivation for pursuing exchange studies. Please carefully read the eligibility requirements and selection criteria specified on the pages for the different exchange programs (see links below).

Read more about exchange studies through the Faculty of Science 

Read more about exchange studies through central networks and agreements

Once your application has been approved, and depending on the number of available exchange places, we at SU will nominate you for exchange studies at the receiving university. The receiving university will then guide you through their own application process, where you will need to select the courses you wish to take.

Additionally, before applying for exchange studies, it is always a good idea to talk with our international coordinator to explore the best options for you.

When can I apply for exchange studies?

The application periods for exchange studies depend on the type of exchange agreement.

For collaborations within Europe, including universities participating in the Erasmus+ program as well as non-program partners (such as Australia), the application periods are:

Exchange period  Application period
Autumn semester or academic year (autumn + spring) 15 January – 15 February
Spring semester 15 August – 15 September

For our faculty agreements outside Europe (such as the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA, and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), the application periods are:

Exchange period  Application period
Autumn semester or academic year (autumn + spring) 15 January – 15 February
Spring semester 15 May – 15 June

Calls for exchange programs through central agreements and networks can be found here. These applications are administered by the International Office at the Student Department. If you have questions about exchanges through central agreements and networks, you can contact them here.




Degree project abroad

A traineeship abroad is a great opportunity to gain international experience. We highly encourage students to go abroad during their studies.

Examples of traineeships previously performed at the Chemistry Section

•    Summer internship at different universities and research centers around the EU
•    Data collection for master’s thesis at universities, research centers and companies around the EU
•    Internship at by recent graduates universities, research centers and companies around the EU

Please note that we are unable to assist you in finding a supervisor, this is a job you will have to do yourself, and is part of the experience.

Read more about Erasmus+ traineeships abroad



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