

General contact information

Telephone and e-mail
+46-8-16 20 00 (exchange)
Email address for all staff at the Department: first

Visiting address
Svante Arrhenius väg 21 A, Frescati, Stockholms University.

Department of Child and Youth Studies
Stockholm University

Billing address
Stockholm University
Postal box 50741
SE-202 70 Malmö
(Please enter 318 as "Your reference".)

Organsation number
(Stockholm University)


Department Management

The Head of department is the department's highest responsible manager and manages the department together with the department board.

Each section and center at the department is managed by a Director of section.

Head of Department
Deputy Head of Department
Deputy Head of Department with responsibility for teacher education
Deputy Head of Department with responsibility for student affairs
Head of Administration
Superintendent for the section for Early Childhood Education
Superintendent for the section of Child and Youth Studies
Superintendent for the Center for the Studies of Children's Culture

Contact for study related issues



Student office
Administrator for international courses
International Coordinator
Director of studies for courses in Early Childhood Education
Director of studies for courses in School-Age Educare

Archive and Registry

Please contact us on this e-mail address if you need an archived document.

Archives and registry


Press contact at the Department of Child and Youth Studies

For press questions about the department's activities and research, contact in the first place:

Head of Department

Deputy Head of Department

Press contact at Stockholm University

Journalists wishing to contact Stockholm University should use the following contact details:
Press Telephone: +46 (0)8-16 40 90
Press and media at Stockholm University

On this page
