Working in Study groups at BUV

Several cources at the institution include working in study groups as a part of the teaching metod. How to work in study groups is defined in the study guide, for example how to assemble a group, distribution of tasks within group, time frames, and how the group work should be examined.


Guidelines for Study groups

Make up a Contract for your group

We recommend this to be in writing.

Contact details for all members

Make a list of e-mail addresses, phone numbers, and possibly also addresses so all members are reachable.

Check your schedule and decide time and place for your meetings

In the course schedule, the rare appointed tasks and days for the group assignments. You may meet at optional places and also at different times, as long as you make sure all members have agreed to time and place.

Go through the assignments and distribute the responsibilities

At your first meeting, go through the task(s) and discuss how you will address it. What should be done and by who, make sure you as a group are well prepared when it is time top present or to hand in papers.

Presence in class, lectures and seminars

Most classes are compulsory, please see the Study guide, and students area sked to take active part in the teaching and learning activites.

If a group member can’t make it

Talk through how to handle situations when someone is ill or absent. How do you communicate this to the group? How should you compensate for the missed meeting? How do you agree if someone sees a need to change time and place?

Please note, if a student does not participate in the group’s work, the course leader should be contacted. Students who don’t make their assignments should not get a Pass for the assignment.


In the Study guide, you will find the explicit tasks that are to be examined. Prepare well in the group how to present, who is to do what, who will prepare a draft for the hand-in-papers, et cetera. Make sure all students contribute during the presentation. Don’t forget to include the names of the group members, and how you distributed the work.

In the event of a conflict or cooperation problem

If there is something that does not work in terms of the collaboration within the group, the teacher responsible for the course should be contacted, preferably as early as possible in the group process.

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