
On this page you will find our newly published research, books and articles and our publications in Stockholm University Press. The Department of Culture and Aesthetics have three book series in Stockholm University Press. For our publications in Swedish, please switch to the Swedish webpage.

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Publications in Stockholm University Press

The Department of Culture and Aesthetics has three book series within Stockholm University Press:

  • Basic Readings in Culture and Aesthetics
  • Critical Editions in Culture and Aesthetics
  • Stockholm Studies in Culture and Aesthetics

Basic Readings in Culture and Aesthetics (BaRCA) (ISSN 2002-6463) is a peer-reviewed series of monographs and edited volumes published by Stockholm University Press. BaRCA provides a publishing platform for academic textbooks built on high-quality research mainly within the disciplines of Art History, Heritage Studies, Curating Art, History of Ideas, Literary Studies, Musicology, and Performance and Dance Studies. It is the ambition of BaRCA to place equally high demands on the academic quality of the manuscripts it accepts as those applied by international academic publishers of a similar orientation. BaRCA accepts manuscripts in English and Swedish.

Critical Editions in Culture and Aesthetics (CEiCA) (ISSN XXXX-XXXX) is a peer-reviewed series of scholarly editions of source texts published by Stockholm University Press. CEiCA aims to provide a publishing forum for translated, annotated, and introduced texts within the broad domain of culture and aesthetics, including, but not limited to, the disciplines of Art History, Heritage Studies, Curating Art, History of Ideas, Literary Studies, Musicology, and Performance and Dance Studies.

The ambition of CEiCA includes both to provide open access to manuscripts and out of print texts, and to introduce them with a contextualizing and critical apparatus. The series thus promotes the values of 1) making source texts available through digital means of access, and 2) recognizing critical editing as a scholarly achievement in its own right. English translations that make Swedish texts accessible to international scholarly communities are encouraged.   

As the CEiCA publications are required to be the products of scholarly achievements, the series does not include facsimiles, reprints, or other editions without a critical apparatus that contextualizes, explains, problematizes, and evaluates the source texts through introductions, annotations, footnotes, further references, bibliography, indexing, etc.

Stockholm Studies in Culture and Aesthetics (SiCA) (ISSN 2002-3227) is a peer-reviewed series of monographs and edited volumes published by Stockholm University Press. SiCA strives to provide a broad forum for research on culture and aesthetics, including the disciplines of Art History, Heritage Studies, Curating Art, History of Ideas, Literary Studies, Musicology, and Performance and Dance Studies. In terms of subjects and methods, the orientation is wide: critical theory, cultural studies and historiography, modernism and modernity, materiality and mediality, performativity and visual culture, children’s literature and children’s theatre, queer and gender studies.

It is the ambition of SiCA to place equally high demands on the academic quality of the manuscripts it accepts as those applied by refereed international journals and academic publishers of a similar orientation. SiCA accepts manuscripts in English, Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian.

Editorial Board


Studies in Curating Art

The book series “Studies in Curating Art” has been published annually since 2014. “Studies in Curating Art” focuses on curatorial research and on the connections between curatorial theory and practice, within the frame of the International Master’s program in Curating Art at Stockholm University.

Each issue of the annual publication is self-run by the students enrolled in the Publication Elective Course within the frame of the international Master’s program in Curating Art.

It is edited around a selected theme and, since 2018, has been realized in collaboration with graphic designers and institutions for education and graphic design. Click on the headlines below to read about each of the issues that have been published by the book series.

Read more about the series here


New Books

Foto: Henry Be. Unsplash.

Books that were published during 2024

Tiina Rosenberg, Fawzia Afzal-Khan, Sandra D'Urso (ed.): Milestones in Feminist Performance

Leo Marko: Live Sense: Rethinking Liveness through Zeami’s Concept of the Flower


New Articles

Journals. Photo: Bernd Klutsch -Unsplash.

Articles published 2024

Dirk Gindt: “The Decolonial Labour and the Gift of Sámi Performance”, in Contemporary Theatre Review Volume 33, 2023 – Issue 3

Victoria Fareld, “Time”, The Routledge Companion to Historical Theory (2021)

Anna Albrektson, 'Horace is dead, but I am alive': Epic Failure and Satiric Authority in Eighteenth-Century Sweden in The Long Quarrel: Past and Present in the Eighteenth Century (2021)

Emma Jansson, “Reconsidering Anders Zorn’s Omnibus Paintings” in RIHA Journal, (2021)

Johanna Ethnersson Pontara, “The Phenomenal Side of the Operatic Performance: Implications of Promotion Strategies on Cinematic Representations of the 21st Century”, in Open Library of Humanities 7(2) (2021)

Richard Hoogland, ”Brecht as a Stranger in a Postdramatic Era: Fatzer at Deutsches Theater 2016", in The Brecht Yearbook 46 (2021)

Boel Hackman, “'I Have Had Myself as Experimental Object': Ulla Bjerne and the Politics of Female Embodied Experience", in NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, (November 24, 2021)

Lydia Wistisen, "Concrete Possibilities: The High-Rise Suburb in Swedish Children’s and Young Adult Literature", in Literatures of Urban Possibility (2021)

Emma Jansson, the first issue of the new journal Materia: Journal of Technical Art History (2021)

Anna Källén, Andreas Nyblom, Daniel Strand & Charlotte Mulcare, Special issue on aDNA in Journal of Social Archaeology (2021)

Anna Källén & Daniel Strand, "I am a Viking! DNA, popular culture and the construction of geneticized identity", in New Genetics and Society: Critical Studies of Contemporary Biosciences (31 januari 2021)

Anna Källén & Daniel Strand, "Viking DNA and the pitfalls of genetic ancestry tests", in The Conversation (9 april 2021)

Victoria Fareld, “Entangled Memories of Violence: Jean Améry and Frantz Fanon”, in Memory Studies (16/2 2021)

Dirk Gindt, "Creativity, Corporeality and Collaboration: Staging Fashion with Giorgio Armani and Robert Wilson", in Staging Fashion: The Fashion Show and Its Spaces (Bloomsbury 2021)

Boel Westin, "Nostalgia", in the second edition of Keywords for children´s literature (2021)

Tiina Rosenberg, "Rising Like the Eurovision Song Contest On Kitsch, Camp, and Queer Culture", in lambda nordica 2020-10-26

Jacob Kimvall, "Keeping it clean: Graffiti and the commodification of a moral panic", in Visual Inquiry

Kim Skjoldager-Nielsen, "The Role of Dystopian Art in the Climate Crisis", in Peripeti, "Det åbne nummer" 2020-09-25

Sonya Petersson, “Reframing the Concept of Illustration: Image, Text, and the Double Difference of Reproductive Media” in Konsthistorisk tidskrift no 4 2020

Hilda Jakobsson, "The Virgin Mother and the Impossible Love", in August Strindberg und die Aufklärung och upplysningen and the Enlightenment

Ulf Olsson, "Drawing up the Account: Administrative Discourse in Strindberg's Works", in August Strindberg und die Aufklärung och upplysningen and the Enlightenment

Tanja Schult, "Reshaping American Identity: The National Memorial for Peace and Justice and its Take-Away Twin", in Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies, no 3 2020

Rikard Hoogland, "Lars Norén and Jon Fosse: Nordic Grey or Theatre Innovators?", in Contemporary European Playwrights

Daria Skjoldager-Nielsen och Kim Skjoldager-Nielsen, “Para-Antropo(s)cene Aesthetics between Despair and Beauty: A Matter of Response-Ability”, in Nordic Theatre Studies Vol. 31, No. 1, 2020

Karin Dirke, "From pest to pet: Liminality, domestication and animal agency in the killing of rats and cats", in Trace: Journal for Human-Animal Studies, no 6 2020

Elina Druker, editor for the special issue with the theme ”Silence and silencing in children’s literature”, of International Research in Children's Literature, no 13:1

Anna Dahlgren, "Rethinking the Social Photograph in the Age of Digital Interconnectivity", in Connect to collect: approaches to collecting social digital photography in museums and archives

Lydia Wistisen, "Too Much Feeling: S. E. Hinton’s The Outsiders, Conflicting Emotions, Identity, and Socialization", in Children's Literature in Education (21 april 2020)

Dirk Gindt, "Curating and Performing Racism: Scenarios of Afrophobia in Contemporary Sweden" in Scandinavian Studies 92.1

Tanja Schult, "Christoph Mayer's The Invisible Camp – Audio Walk Gusen", in Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies, volume 16, issue 1 (2020)

Peter Gillgren, "Felix Horb: Notes in the margins of MaxDvořák, Hans Sedlmayr and Erwin Panofsky", in Journal of Art Historiography

Fredrik Krohn Andersson, “Urban Nuclear Reactors and the Security Theatre”, in Securing Urban Heritage: Agents, Access, and Securitization



If you have any questions about your publishing in DiVA, pleace contact the DiVA adiminstrator at the Department of Culture and Aestethics, Mattias Arreborn,

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