Climate science education takes center stage at Kristineberg Marine Station

From May 6-16, 2024, the picturesque Kristineberg Marine Research Station in western Sweden hosted the 7th edition of the eScience course, “Data Analysis and Model Evaluation Tools in Environmental and Climate Science."

Photo: Paul Zieger

Co-organized by Stockholm University's Department of Environmental Science and the University of Oslo, the event brought together a diverse group of participants and experts from around the world.

This year's course welcomed 21 students, 7 teaching assistants, 1 research software engineer, and 2 organizers, along with numerous international lecturers. Participants hailed from a wide range of countries, including Sweden, Norway, Finland, Switzerland, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Slovenia, New Zealand, the UK, China, India, the US, and Romania.

Over the course of ten intensive days, attendees engaged in a series of lectures covering the climate system, coding best practices, and scientific ethics. Group projects, primarily utilizing Python, addressed topics such as aerosols in climate models, cloud regimes, and high-latitude fire dynamics. Despite the brief duration of the course, students achieved significant learning outcomes and produced novel scientific results.

The program also featured various extracurricular activities, including ping pong tournaments, boat trips, and extensive discussions, which helped to foster friendships and potential future collaborations.

The event was co-sponsored by the Bolin Centre for Climate Research, CHESS, BRACE-MY, Stockholm University, the University of Oslo, and the H2020 project CRiceS.

Looking ahead, organizers have already announced the next edition of the course, scheduled for May 2025.

For more details, interested participants can visit the official course website