Digital History Seminar

Virtually all aspects of the historian’s work have been transformed by digital technology. The digital history seminar is a venue for exploring the consequences of this transformation and discussing how to leverage digital technology in historical research.

gammaldags oljemålning föreställande musan Klio. I stället för en bok har hon en surfplattai handen.
Montage. The goddess Klio holding a tablet. Original: Pierre Mignard I. Montage from, shared under license cc-by-nc-nd.

The Digital history seminar is hosted by the Department of History at Stockholm University in collaboration with Lund University and Linnaeus University. The seminar gathers researchers and student with an interest in the digitization of the history discipline – in the past and the present as well as in the future. The Digital history seminar series also provides a space for discussions of digital methods in historical research, regardless of theme and time period.

For the spring semester 2024, the digital history seminar convenes on Zoom on select days, mainly Tuesdays. See date, time and information for registration for each seminar through the links below. 



Scheduled seminars autumn semester 2024

Click on the seminar titles for more information and registration link. 

Tuesday 8/10, Tapio Salminen and Jenni Lares (Tampere University)

Presentation: "Viabundus Finland 1350-1650" - compiling  historical data on roads and roadside services in medieval and early modern Finland into an open GIS-database and map

Tuesday 15/10, Fredrik Norén (Malmö University)

Presentation: "Swedish Riksdag 1867–2024: An Ecosystem of Linked Open Data"

Tuesday 5/11, Marek Tamm (Tallinn University)

Presentation: "Digital Livonia: For a Digitally Enhanced Study of Medieval Livonia (1200–1550)"

Tuesday 19/11, David Haskiya (Riksarkivet)

Presentation: Experiment med AI som forskningsassistent i arkiven - resultat och tankar om framtiden (presentation in Swedish)

Tuesday 3/12, Helle Strandgaard Jensen (Aarhus University)

Presentation: "The Web Is Old, But How To Treat It As A Source?"



Spring 2024

7 Feb, Wednesday 12.00–13.00

Marten Düring (University of Luxembourg)

impresso - Media Monitoring of the Past II. Beyond Borders: Connecting Historical Newspapers and Radio.

12 March, Tuesday, 13.15–15.00

Martin Schmitt (Paderborn University & David Larsson Heidenblad (Lund University)

Banking and Popular Capitalism in the Digital Age. 

19 March, Tuesday, 13.15–15.00

Silke Schwandt (Bielefeld University)

Digital history in a medieval context

16 April, Tuesday, 13.15–15.00

Linda von Keyserlingk-Rehbein (Passau University)

The Attempted Coup of 20 July 1944 - New Research Results with Social Network Analysis (SNA)

23 April, Tuesday, 13.15–15.00

Catherine Clarke (University of London)

Digital Re-Enchantment? Places, Histories, Experiences. 

7 May, Tuesday 13.15–15.00

Joëlle Weis (Trier University)

Reconstructing Bookscapes. A digital investigation on the private libraries of 18th-century princesses.


Autumn 2023

10 Oct, Tuesday 13.00–15.00

Gerben Zaagsma, University of Luxembourg
Uncovering digital history’s forgotten roots: The Association for History and Computing. Venue: Zoom only

This seminar in the calendar

11 Oct, Wednesday 10.00–16:30

Nodegoat workshop: Introduction to historical data analysis and visualisation.By Pim van Bree and Geert Kessels, Nodegoat. Venue: Bergsmannen (on site participation only. Registration required.)

This seminar in the calendar

17 Oct, Tuesday 13.00–15.00

Olof Sundin, Lund University. Search engines and the control of information. Venue: Zoom only

This seminar in the calendar

21 Nov, Tuesday 13.00–15.00

Emmy Atterving, Stockholm University. Crime in the news: Working with 19th century digitized newspapers. Venue: D900 and Zoom

This seminar in the calendar

5 Dec, Tuesday 13.00–15.00

Johan Malmstedt, Umeå University. Radio analysis: On the audio signal as a historical source material. Venue: Zoom only

This seminar in the calendar

Spring 2023

31 January 2023

Mareike König, Deutsches Historisches Institut Paris, When did Digital History start? A brief overview on the history of the digital transformation of historical sciences

7 February 2023

Torsten Hiltmann, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Data and Methods: The Media Foundations of Digital History

28 March 2023

Ruth Ahnert, Queen Mary University of London &The Alan Turing Institute, Collaborative Historical Research in the Age of Big Data (New book with CUP)

25 April 2023

Mikael Alm, Uppsala University, Building Research Infrastructure: Digitisation, Digital Enhancement, and Dissemination of the Gustavian Collection



The seminar series is organized by the Department of History at Stockholm University in collaboration with DigitalHistory@Lund and the Digital Humanities at Linnaeus University. Convener is Sune Bechmann Pedersen, senior lecturer specialized on digital History at Stockholm University, in collaboration with Kajsa Weber (Lund University) and Sara Ellis Nilsson (Linnaeus University). 

Registration and participation

Follow the link to sign up for the seminar's e-mailing list:

Digital History Seminar Newsletter

Note: You have to confirm your e-mail address in order to be registered. If you cannot find your confirmation e-mail, check your spam inbox.

If you have difficulties registering, or if you wish to discuss the possibility to present a text at the seminar, e-mail to

More about DigitalHistory@Lund

More about Digital Humanities at Linnaeus University

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