Study abroad

Students at the Department of Mathematics at Stockholm University have the possibility to study one or two semesters abroad.

The Department of Mathematics has agreements concerning exchange studies within the Erasmus+ programme with Departments of Mathematics at several European universities. In addition, there are agreements at faculty level (the Faculty of Science) and central level.


Where can I go?

As a student at the Department of Mathematics you can apply for exchange studies within the following programmes/agreements.

Within the Erasmus+ programme, the Department of Mathematics has agreements with different universities across Europe. A list of the departments with which we currently have agreements is available at Erasmus partner universities.

Tip: Are you interested in exchange studies at a European university which is not on the list? If you send an e-mail to we can look into the possibility of writing an agreement with the Department of Mathematics at that university. Note that in this case you have to contact us well ahead of the semester/academic year during which you want to go abroad.

More information about Erasmus+

Out of the exchange agreements which the Faculty of Science has, the following agreements are open to students at the Department of Mathematics:

  • Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
  • University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

The faculty level agreements are administered by the Section for Chemistry. More information is available at their web site.


How do I apply?

Depending on the programme/agreement, different application procedures are used.

The application is made by filling in the following form:

Application for Spring 2025 (open 15 Aug-15 Sep 2024)


To be eligible for exchange studies within our agreements within the Erasmus+ programme you should have studied Mathematics, Mathematical Statistics and/or Computer Science for at least one year. At the time of application, you should be a student at the Department of Mathematics.


To each partner university, we can send 1-3 students per semester, depending on what is specified in the agreement with that particular university.

First, a selection based on the first-hand choices of the applicants is made; among those not selected in this selection round, another selection round based on their second-hand choices are made; and so on.

If there is competition for the spots, the same selection criteria as those used for central level agreements will be applied.

The faculty level agreements are administered by the Section for Chemistry. You can find more information on their web site (in Swedish).


When do I apply?

Here you can find information about current and upcoming application periods. You can also get an overview over when the different programmes/agreements usually have their application periods.


Next application period: applications for Spring 2025 will be open 15 August–15 September 2024.

Nanyang Technical University

Fall 2024, Spring 2025, or the full academic year 2024/25: 14 February 2024. See this web page of the Chemistry section.

Note that the following dates are approximate. The idea is to give those interesting in exchange studies a rough idea of when the application rounds take place during a typical year.

Exact dates are advertised at the latest when the application round is opened.


Study period Is advertised in... Application deadline
Autumn year N Dec year N-1 Mar year N
Autumn year N and Spring year N+1 Dec year N-1 Mar year N
Spring year N Jun year N-1 Aug year N-1

Example: If you are interested in going on exchange studies within the Erasmus programme during the Autumn semester 2025, you should look for the advertisement in the beginning of December 2024. The deadline for application will be some time in March 2025; the exact date will be given in the advertisement.

Agreements of the Faculty of Science

Study period Application deadline
Autumn year N Jan year N
Spring year N+1 Jan year N

Central agreements 

Information is available on Stockholm University's website



Erasmus coordinator and international exchange
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