Conferences and seminars

Here you will find information about our conferences and seminars.

The Magnéli hall.
The Magnéli hall is the conference room where we organize our Scientific Department Meetings (SDM). Photo: Private

Seminars at Organic Chemistry

Please refer to our calendar for dates


Scientific Department Meetings

The department organizes 10 Scientific Department Meetings (SDM) per year. The meetings take place once per month in the Magnéli hall and are open for the entire department. Attendance is mandatory for the PhD students.

Each meeting starts with general information concerning the PhD program as well as relevant information regarding safety, seminars, defenses, administration, courses, introduction of new coworkers etc. This is followed by 3-4 short presentations (15 minutes) given by the PhD students, focusing on their current research project. Each presentation is followed by an open question session in which the auditorium (40-50 persons) can discuss and comment the project.

The presentations are normally prepared and rehearsed within the corresponding research group of the student and formative feedback is provided by the supervisors after the SDM presentation.

An updated schedule is sent regularly by email by Abraham Mendoza.

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