Portuguese Shipwreck, French Tragedy, and the Imperial Future


Date: Friday 10 November 2023

Time: 14.15 – 15.45

Location: Room B471 and via zoom

romlitt seminar - Alexander Lash, Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of English. Formerly of Baruch College, CUNY & the National Taiwan University

B. Gomes de Brito, História trágico-marítima (Lisbon: Cong. do Oratório, 1735-36), vol. I [public do
Image: B. Gomes de Brito, História trágico-marítima (Lisbon: Cong. do Oratório, 1735-36), vol. I [public domain]

Nicolas Chretien des Croix’s 1608 tragedy Les Portugaiz Infortunez draws its inspiration from the classics of Portuguese Discoveries literature but also points forward to new modes of domination: not just the maritime empire of the Portuguese, or the domination of land, but also temporal, in the domination of present time and, therefore, the future.

For Zoom link please contact anthony.lappin@su.se

Alexander Lash, Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of English. Formerly of Baruch College, CUNY & the National Taiwan University