About us

The Department of Zoology was founded as early as 1880 and has a long history of basic and applied research on animals. We conduct outstanding research in a number of exciting areas around animal biology - from genomics to ecosystems, nerve cells to behavior and evolution to conservation.

The Department of Zoology is a vital and international environment for research and education on animal biology. We conduct internationally recognized research with yeasts as well as insects, birds, fish and mammals.The department consist of five divisions in close collaboration:

  • Ecology
  • Ethology
  • Functional Zoomorphology
  • Population Genetics
  • Systematics and Evolutionary Research

We also have a research station (Tovetorp) south of Stockholm with excellent facilities for various field and laboratory experiments on mammals, fish, birds and insects.


Number of employees: 81

Number of Research groups: 17

Number of PhD students: 37

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