Stockholm university

SBS Finance seminar - Lin Peng


Date: Monday 9 May 2022

Time: 13.00 – 14.15

Location: Online via zoom

Social Ties, Comovements, and Predictable Returns

The speaker: Professor Lin Peng  is a visiting Professor at the University of Cambridge. She is also the Krell Chair Professor in Finance at Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College, the City University of New York.

Read more about Professor Lin Peng
Seminar time: 13:00 to 14:15, May 9th
The zoom link is

The finance section organizes weekly research seminars on Mondays, 1 pm - 2.15 pm.
If you want to present or attend a seminar, please contact:

    Caihong Xu, or
    Sara Jonsson,