Stockholm university

How to apply for Minor Field Studies (MFS)

Before applying, it is important that you read the admission requirements carefully.


Below, you will find some useful information to know before you apply.

  • The essay or degree project in which your MFS study results, must be written in English.
  • It is beneficial to have some knowledge of the Swedish language.
  • Your MFS studies should be at least eight consecutive weeks (56 days) and no more than 20 weeks. This includes date of departure from Sweden until date of departure from your MFS host country.
  • MFS study can only be conducted in one approved host country. It is important to keep note of the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Utrikesdepartementet) advice against travel to certain countries and regions. Find further information on this link under the heading "Possible host countries"
  • The field study should be relevant to your program and relate to global and Swedish development issues by being linked to Agenda 2030 and the government’s reform agenda for development cooperation.
  • It is common and recommended that two students travel to the same host country together. Keep in mind that all MFS applications are individual, which means that if two students write a degree project together, they must apply individually. The paper is also assessed individually. Clearly outline in the project description who will be doing what in the field studies project.
  • Contact your department's MFS contact (usually the International Coordinator) and ask if there are any specific requirements for your particular programme or course.
  • Ethical issues are important in data collection. Read more on the course website for your essay course/degree project or contact the course coordinator/supervisor if you need to confirm your planned project. 
  • Some countries require research permits for an MFS study and it may take time to apply and receive this.

Stockholm University does not accept applications from students from other universities. 


It is important that you do not apply last minute. Preparations for an MFS can be extensive and your chance of a successful application increases if you start planning and preparing well in advance. Note that the earliest date to begin your field studies is one month after the application deadline.

It is important that you do not apply last minute. Preparations for an MFS can be extensive and your chance of a successful application increases if you start planning and preparing well in advance. 

  1. Read about MFS, the Sustainable Development Goals, and the Swedish government’s seven thematic priorities for Swedish development cooperation. Make sure you meet the admission requirements to receive a scholarship. Check the application deadline.
  2. Attend an MFS information session by the Student Services.
  3. Consider your research topic. Think about what you would like to write your thesis/degree project about, based on the MFS scholarships terms. Some tips:
    - Consider what topic(s) has been exciting during your degree, or what you would like to do in the future. 
    - Consider how your thesis/degree project will/can connect with development questions. 
    - Which Sustainable Development Goal(s) are you interested in, and can be connected to your prospective field study?
    - Which of the government’s seven thematic priorities are you interested in, and which priority can be linked to a theme relevant to your program/subject?
  4. Find a host country and contact person. Please read the tips on how to find a contact person on this link under the heading "Supervisor and contact in host country". In addition to those tips, please consider:
    - How are your language skills?
    - How does the practical situation look like in the host country i.e. accommodation, economy, security? 
  5. Book an appointment with the member of staff responsible for the MFS programme at your department (often the exchange coordinator). Get support from your department about your planned field study:
    - Request information if there are any specific regulations to consider, relevant for your department and/or educational programme. 
    - Is there any specific semester that fits well for a field study in your educational programme? 
    - Ask for a supervisor that can discuss your project plan. 
  6. Work on your MFS application: 
    - Make a plan for how you will write the MFS application. What needs to be done when? How can you plan to work continuously with the application so that you can tick off a few things along the way?
    - Start working in the project description template immediately, it will be easier and you will save time.
    - What ethical considerations do I need to consider? 
    - Do you need writing support? The Academic Writing Service provides English-language support for writing and study skills. They offer individual consultations, give talks and seminars, and coordinate writing groups for thesis students. Their services are free of charge for all students at Stockholm University.
    Link to the Academic Writing Service
  7. Ask your supervisor/department if they can read your application (especially your project description) and confirm that they support your application. Your department has a big role in the assessment of your application, hence important that they have approved your project. 
  8. Submit your MFS application. Make sure you submit a complete application according to the application instructions.

Fill out the application form in Stockholm University's MFS portal (must be in English):

Link to the application form in the MFS portal

Please note that the application form is only available during the application periods. Your SU-ID is your login to the application portal, and you can save and return to your initiated application during the entire application period.

The following documents should be attached in your application (in English):

  • Project description. This document forms the basis of your application. It must be no more than 1800 words (excluding reference list). If two students are writing an essay together, it must be clearly stated in the project description (link to the document template in MFS-portal) 
  • Budget outline including travel expenses based on the cost of living in the respective country (link to the document template in MFS-portal)
  • Personal statement describing why you want to do an MFS field study (no more than one page).
  • Confirmation from the department at Stockholm University certifying the suitability and academic quality of the study and indicating who will be your supervisor (the link to the certificate is available on the MFS portal).
  • Confirmation from the contact in the field confirming that there is a contact person in the country to assist you. If you submit an email exchange, make sure you include both your initial email requesting for a contact person and the contact person's reply confirming the request. Please note: the confirmation must be submitted in English. If your contact does not speak English, please write a translation in English and attach to application. (link to the template in MFS-portal).
  • National results certificate or excerpt from Ladok can be made digitally here
  • Copy of passport or equivalent confirming citizenship. If you are not a Swedish citizen, you must enclose your permanent residence permit. If you are a citizen of another Nordic country, you must enclose a certificate from Skatteverket certifying that you have been registered in Sweden for at least 12 months.

Processing of personal data

In order to carry out the assignments that Stockholm University is responsible for, we need to process personal data.

MFS and personal data



If you have any questions regarding the MFS scholarship programme, please contact Student Services' MFS coordinator via

If you have questions concerning the project itself, contact the member of staff responsible for MFS at your department. Usually, this is the exchange coordinator.

Departmental international coordinators

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