Stockholm university

Studenthä – your portal to student health online

Student life can be great, but also tough at times. At Studenthä you will find tips and advice to help you take care of yourself.

Studenthä is a complement to your regular student health services, and the focus is on tips and advice for a sustainable student life. Here you'll find lots of helpful information on different topics, such as loneliness or exam anxiety, as well as how to study more efficiently or get a grip on student finances. The site also lists events at student health centres throughout the country that are open to all students.


Illustration of a student in front of a computer.
Illustration: Elin Jonasson

If you need individual support, you should still contact Stockholm Student Health Services. We also offer group activities, both on campus and online.

Stockholm Student Health Services


What's new on Studenthä

There are some some really good campaigns on Studenthä right now. Have you checked them out?

Feeling overwhelmed?

Examinations, submissions, deadlines... Spring can be intense, and it is normal to feel a bit stressed. Here you can find material to help you get a good balance between studying and your general student life.

Stress and exam anxiety

Party smart

Spring and summer are here! Maybe there's a lot of partying going on? If you want to keep track of how much you drink, there are several tips and tricks that can help.

Plan your partying

Students walking together outdoors.
Photo: Anna Nilsen

Studenthä is developed by the Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR), Stockholm University and Linköping University, on behalf of the government.

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