Stockholm university

Alexandra Balogh new study counsellor

Alexandra Balogh will be the new study counsellor at BIG from 16 May. She will be acting for Lisa Weingartner, who is on leave until June 2023.

Alexandra is already employed at BIG but has so far only worked with administration. Now new tasks await and she looks forward to having more contact with the biology students.

Alexandra is herself a biologist and got her PhD in ethology in 2009 with a dissertation on predator psychology and the evolution of mimicry. After her dissertation, she was a postdoc, first in Turku and then in Linköping. In addition, she studied musicology and wrote a Master's thesis on the opera Aniara. In 2015, Alexandra started working at BIG and she has already been employed at the department for seven years.

As an employee at BIG's student office, Alexandra has, among other things, worked with course pages in the online catalogue and with planning of halls and schedules in TimeEdit. There has been more and more computer work but very little contact with the students, something that Alexandra has missed. Still, she knows more than most about what our students think about different courses, because she has also handled the digital course evaluations and of course read all the compilations of the answers. It is valuable knowledge for a study counsellor and she will therefore retain this task.

Alexandra will be a study counsellor at the Bachelor's level. BIG also has a study counsellor at Master's level, Ann-Christin Lindås.

To smiling people sitting oposite eachother at a desk with folders and papers.
Alexandra Balogh (left) and Lisa Weingartner (right). Photo: Margareta Ohné.