Stockholm university

Article in Swiss Journal of Geosciences


Dynamics of collisional mountain ranges: a progress report on the Alps Special Issue on the results from the 14th Emile Argand Alpine Workshop, Sion 2019, Switzerland

Paola Manzotti, Othmar Müntener, Stefan Schmid & Daniel Marty

This Special Issue of the Swiss Journal of Geosciences presents papers presented during the 14th Workshop on Alpine Geological Studies (Emile Argand Conference sponsored by EGU and supported by the University of Lausanne), a biannual meeting focused on Alpine geology held in Sion (Switzerland) in 2019 (Fig. 1). The conference was organised by Paola Manzotti (University of Lausanne, now Stockholm University) and Othmar Müntener (University of Lausanne) and benefited from the precious collaborations of many junior and senior researchers from the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. 110 scientists from 11 countries attended the meeting. The plenary session took place from September 4–6th and covered the following main topics: (a) lithospheric structures, plate motions, neotectonics, (b) geodynamic modelling of Alpine processes, (c) pre-Alpine lithospheric structures, (d) timing and rates of mountain building, and (e) eroding a mountain chain: from sedimentary archives to past glaciers. Several field excursions in the core of the Alps preceded and followed the plenary session (Fig. 2), receiving the enthusiastic participation of many researchers and stimulating fruitful discussions.

Schematic tectonic map of the Alps
Schematic tectonic map of the Alps with locations of previous Alpine Workshops indicated. The first Alpine Workshop was held in Grenoble, France back in 1993