Stockholm university

Champollion and the hieroglyphs- 200 year of Egyptology New exhibition at Uppsala University Library

On June 7, a new exhibition was inaugurated at Uppsala University Library Carolina Rediviva.

200 years ago, Jean-François Champollion made the breakthrough in the interpretation of the hieroglyphs with the Rosetta Stone as one of his sources. Through books and pictures from the collections at Uppsala University Library, this exhibition shows its historic significance. 

The exhibition also reflects the view of ancient Egypt before Champollion’s time, and how his interpretation enabled the emergence of the new subject Egyptology at Uppsala University.

Fotograf: Jonas Olsson

The exhibition is produced in collaboration with Gustavianum, Uppsala University Museum, and Uppsala University Art Collection, and shows objects on loan from their Egyptological collections.

The exhibition is on display until August 31, 2023. For opening hours at Carolina Rediviva, please visit the following website:

DiVA: Champollion and the hieroglyphs- 200 year of Egyptology
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