Stockholm university

Finally graduation party!

After a two-year break, BIG celebrates our students again.

For a long time, every year BIG has celebrated the students who graduated with a party. The students then also received an award, a specially designed pin. When the pandemic hit us in the spring of 2020, of course, the graduation party had to be canceled and it was just as bad in the spring of 2021. So when the restrictions were lifted this spring, it was obvious that the tradition would be resumed. And not only that - it had to be an extra big party in order to catch up and celebrate three years of degrees at once! Therefore this year's party was set up a little differently, which boldly took place on Friday the 13th of May.


Garden party

Guests of honor were, as usual, the students who graduated or completed their independent work in biology, marine biology or molecular biology, although now it was a long period, from autumn 2019 to spring 2022. As usual, the ten-year alumni were invited, as well as teachers and BIG's staff.

A party tent was erected on the lawn between the houses in Frescati and guests were asked to dress warmly. But the May evening offered really nice spring weather and just over 70 people came to participate in the party. Of these, 55 were students and alumni and the rest were BIG staff and teachers. HÖRS stood for good food and drink and the troubadour Tobbe entertained as usual and contributed to the good atmosphere. It culminated when the needles were handed out, as always a much appreciated feature.


After graduation

Everyone who receives a pin usually says a few words about what they did after graduation. Since we are celebrating a Bachelor's degree, it is natural that many continue to study and have not yet established themselves in the labor market. Most who continue their studies follow a Master's programme within biology, but some continue their studies to become teachers.

Of the 11 molecular biologists who participated this year, 2 are working and 9 are studying further, of which 1 is a teacher. Of the 8 marine biologists, 2 also work while the other 6 continue studies. The biologists were the most, 36 people and 7 of them work, of which 4 as teachers, and 29 who continue their studies, of which 6 to teachers. Birgitta Åkerman, who has been a study counselor for many years, says that it is remarkable that as many as 11 out of 55 students / alumni are or intend to become teachers - there has not been such a large proportion in many years.

Birgitta has also been involved in arranging all the degree parties that BIG has had - this was number thirty! She emphasizes that both students and alumni appreciate the event and are grateful that the department does this. It was especially noticeable this year when there was such a great pent-up need for celebration!

A pin with the Stockholm University logo and "Biologist" (in Swedish)
Degree pin. Photo: Margareta Ohné.