Stockholm university

Handelsbanken has granted funding to researchers with us

Several researchers have been granted funding from Jan Wallanders' and Tom Hedelius' foundation and from Tore Browaldhs' foundation.

Photo: Adam Jacobsson

The foundations have granted funding to the following researchers and their projects:

  • Anna Seim, "Topics in Macroeconomics"
  • David Seim, "Utbildning, innovation och ojämlikhet".
  • Josef Sigurdsson, "Misallocation, Labor Market Power, and the Macroeconomy: Research using Registry Data".
  • Paul Klein, "New approaches in innovation-driven growth".
  • Roine Vestman, "Varaktiga varors roll för penningpolitiken och den finansiell stabiliteten".
  • Mathias Herzing, "Ekonomiska aspekter av Corona-pandemin".
  • David Strömberg, "Political economy, media and innovation".

Handelsbanken's foundations (in Swedish)

(See "Anslag våren 2022")