Stockholm university

IGV science teams home after the 2021 SAS Oden Arctic Expedition

Members of IGV are back on dry land after a successful expedition with Icebreaker Oden in the Arctic Ocean. The expedition was part of the international Synoptic Arctic Survey 2021 and lasted 58 days.

Research duing thums up on deck, icebreacker Oden, during deployment of a funnel-like net.
Flor Vermassen during deployment of the Bongo net. Photo: Emma Svahn

The scientists successfully reached the North Pole, as well as the notoriously hard-to-reach and unexplored marine territories north of Greenland. Scientific work included sampling the water column for planktonic foraminifera, box coring of sediments, seafloor surveying, and collection of oceanographic data. The results will be used to gain insight into the ecosystem of the central Arctic Ocean and to investigate the climate history of the area. The onboard team consisted of Carlos Castro, Caroline Bringensparr, Julia Muchowkski, and Flor Vermassen. IGV project PIs are Helen Coxall and Christian Stranne

Further information can be found on Polar's website:

View on sea ice from Oden
View on sea ice from Oden. Photo Daniel Rönn
mounteain cover with ice, with a horizontal cloud line in front
View towards North Greenland. Photo: Maria Samuelss
Researcher on deck, Icebreaker Oden, smiling at camera
Carlos Castro with box core being lifted onto deck in the back. Photo: Flor Vermassen