Stockholm university

IGV Scientist and Master’s student embark on shipboard expedition to the Canadian Beaufort Sea

Matt O’Regan and Daniel Rudbäck are currently en route to the Canadian Beafort Sea on the Canadian coastguard vessel CCGS Amundsen.

logo, illustrated research vessel, some text and EU and canada flag

They are part of the PeCaBeau project – Permafrost Carbon on the Beaufort Shelf. PeCaBeau is funded by the Arctic Research Icebreaker Consortium (ARICE), a European Commission project providing ship time for European nations on icebreakers in the Arctic. The aim of this collaborative international project is to understand the ecological effects of material transport from land to ocean – specifically the amounts and fate of carbon and nutrients that are transported offshore from coastal erosion and river transport. Offshore work conducted during PeCaBeau is closely linked to the EU Nunataryuk project, which is studying the consequences of permafrost thaw along Arctic coasts from 2017 to 2023.

Weekly updates from the cruise are available at:


Scientist sitting working on his laptop
Matt O'Regan on board CCGS Amundsen. Photo: Daniel Rudbäck
Daniel Rudbäck. Photo: Matt O'Regan