Stockholm university

In remembrance of Magnus Axelsson

In the middle of the summer we received the unexpected and very sad news that our colleague Magnus Axelsson has passed away. Thanks to his kindness, competence and helpfulness, Magnus was one of our most valued colleagues. His main commitment was to undergraduate education both at the Department and the Faculty.

Magnus Axelsson

Already as a PhD student, Magnus worked as a Student Advisor. After his PhD, he substituted as Director of Studies at the Department of Astronomy. At Fysikum, he worked as a Student Advisor from 2012 and in 2019 he then became our Education Coordinator. Magnus was also an accomplished researcher in high-energy astrophysics. He received his PhD in 2010 with a thesis on X-rays from black holes and habilitated in 2016.

His research was unusually broad and he was active in the research front for both X-ray binaries and gamma-ray bursts, where he contributed with many important publications. He was one of the leading collaborators in the international Fermi-LAT collaboration. Reactions from many parts of the world show the important role Magnus played in this field. He was a highly valued and much-loved research colleague.

His contribution to Fysikum was much greater than his nominal duties would suggest.

He has been a pillar of strength to the Director of Studies at Fysikum, Åsa Larson, as well as an invaluable colleague, advisor and speaking partner to all members of the study administration.
There were no questions Magnus could not answer and no problems he would not solve. He was the speaking partner and support to many colleagues and he made our students feel welcome.

It will be possible to find replacements for Magnus' work tasks, but Magnus can never be replaced.

Our thoughts are with his family.


Professor Jan Conrad, Head of Department, Stockholm University