Stockholm university

Introducing EQUINODE

Are you interested in joining a network for doctoral students at Swedish universities with an interest in health equity research? Welcome to EQUINODE – Doctoral Students in Health Equity Research! A digital introduction meeting is held on April 7th 2021.

The board of Centre for Health Equity Studies (CHESS) at the Department for Public Health Sciences, Stockholm University, has initiated the formation of a new collaboration for PhD students interested in health equity: EQUINODE – Doctoral Students in Health Equity Research.

National platform for collaboration

The purpose of this collaboration is to provide a platform for doctoral student exchange on matters concerning health equity research. Examples of activities include lectures, journal clubs, and workshops.

Are you interested in joining EQUINODE?

The collaboration is open for doctoral students at Swedish universities with an interest in health equity research. Please get in touch with coordinator Karl Gauffin (

A digital introduction meeting is held on April 7th 2021. Please contact Karl to get the meeting link.