Stockholm university

Law in the Era of Artificial Intelligence

The Swedish Law and Informatics Research Institute (IRI) has newly launched the publication of the Nordic Yearbook of Law and Informatics 2020–2021: Law in the Era of Artificial Intelligence.

robot hand and justice scale
Image from the book cover of The Nordic Yearbook of Law and Informatics 2020–2021.

The Nordic Yearbook of Law and Informatics 2020–2021 reflects the respective sessions that made up the 35th Nordic Conference on Law and Information Technology that was held in Stockholm, 11–12 November 2020. As on previous occasions, The Swedish Law and Informatics Research Institute (IRI) had the privilege of arranging the conference in conjunction with The Foundation for Legal Information (Stiftelsen för rättsinformation) and The Swedish Society for IT and Law (Svenska föreningen för IT & Juridik) SIJU.

The overall title of the conference was "Law in the Era of Artificial Intelligence". The main theme was how an increased use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is influencing the meaning of previously established legal concepts not yet adapted to a society increasingly reliant on AI. In this respect, the conference was divided up into four sessions each focusing on a selected aspect, namely, session 1 on Data Protection, session 2 on Transparency, session 3 on Liability and finally session 4 on Regulation. This division is also shown in the book.

Available for free download

Law in the Era of Artificial Intelligence is edited by Liane Colonna and Stanley Greenstein. You can read or download a full version of the book at IRI's homepage.