Stockholm university

Learn About Religion and Power in the Eastern Mediterranean and visit Athens this Summer

The new CIVIS collaborative course "Religion and power in the Eastern Mediterranean in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages" (ECTS: 7,5*) is a blended mobility course that aims to familiarise Bachelor's students with the interaction between political power, Christianity, Judaism, Early Islam, and other religious currents and how these shaped cultural and religious identities in the broader Eastern Mediterranean.

Seminar session will be held in English in hybrid form (March-June 2022). The course will conclude with an in-person block seminar in Athens in the first week of July 2022 that will include excursions to archaeological sites, museums and monasteries.

More information at the CIVIS website

Athens. Photo: Nimrod Oren / Pixabay.
Athens. Photo: Nimrod Oren / Pixabay.

Participating Universities: Stockholm University, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

For more information, please contact