Stockholm university

Microbes vs Metals Thematic Issue

Microbes vs Metals is one of the Thematic issues from FEMS Microbiology Ecology

Sjöberg, S. et al. "Microbiomes in a manganese oxide producing ecosystem in the Ytterby mine, Sweden: impact on metal mobility" is one of the articles listed in Microbes vs Metals.

Explore this one and other articles in this collection which demonstrate the unique and complex relationship between microbes and metals.

Microbes vs Metals

Microbiomes in a manganese oxide producing ecosystem in the Ytterby mine, Sweden: impact on metal mobility

Susanne Sjöberg et al.
FEMS Microbiology Ecology, Volume 96, Issue 11, November 2020, fiaa169,

scientific illustration showing biofilm formation and associated metal accumulation in mine tunnels.

Defining the spatial distribution of microorganisms and elements in this REE-enriched Mn-oxide producing ecosystem contribute to a better understanding of specific niches and parameters driving the emergence of these communities.