Stockholm university

New blended mobility CIVIS course - Going public: social sciences and humanities in the 21st century

How do we actively engage with communities and spread the knowledge produced within anthropology, ethnography, literary and folklore studies? Find out in this course consisting of both online preparation classes and face-to-face summer school at the University of Tübingen.

In this course you get to explore the potentials and challenges of ‘going public’ in several connected disciplines – anthropology, ethnography, literary studies, and folklore studies – in response to the social, political and ecological issues facing societies and collectives in the diversified Europe of the 21st century.

Tübingen. Foto: Th G / Pixabay.
Tübingen. Foto: Th G / Pixabay.

The "Public" here means a shift in the dissemination of the knowledge that these disciplines produce, especially of that concerning issues of wider public interest, from inequalities and inequities regarding access to resources, participation and recognition, to discrimination, racism, or oppression. The "Public" also means to not just work with and speak about communities, but also to actively engage with them, identify problems and work jointly on solutions.

More information on the CIVIS website

Sarah Holst Kjaer. Foto: Snefrid Holst Vallentin.
Sarah Holst Kjaer. Foto: Snefrid Holst Vallentin.

The course is a blended-learning programme that consists of online preparation classes (10 hours) and an intensive Summer School (24 hours of face-to-face classes and practical exercises) that will take place in the University of Tübingen from 28-30 June 2022, in addition to a concluding session at the beginning of July 2022.

Participating professor, among others, is Dr. Sarah Holst Kjaer, Associate Professor and Reader in Ethnology, Head of the Ethnology Section, Department of Ethnology, History of Religions and Gender Studies, Stockholm University.