Stockholm university

SBS Finance students win the SHoF thesis award

Jesper Andersson and Alexander Hübbert, students in the MSc program in Banking and Finance at Stockholm Business School, are awarded the Swedish House of Finance Master Thesis Award for 2021.

SBS congratulates Jesper and Alexander, who were students in the Master’s program in Banking and Finance, and graduated in June 2021. Alexander Hübbert has since then joined SBS as a PhD student in Finance. The winning thesis is entitled Does the tick size regime on systematic internalisers improve market quality? An Empirical Analysis on the Swedish Stock Market. The thesis was written in collaboration with the Swedish Securities Markets Association.

The jury motivation reads:
“Jesper and Alexander do a fantastic job in “creating” the research idea together with an industry partner. They placed the topic in the correct academic context within relevant literature using appropriate statistical and econometric techniques to formulate and answer the hypothesis of interest.”

Photo: Joakim Söderqvist
Jesper Andersson and Alexander Hübbert

Read more about the award

For the same thesis, Jesper and Alexander also won the Skandia Thesis Award of 2021, granted by the Thule Foundation to the best thesis in Finance in Sweden with a topic related to long-term savings.