Stockholm university

Stockholm University is ranked 185 in THE World University Rankings

Stockholm University is ranked number 185 in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2024, which lists the best universities in the world.

Foto: Ingmarie Andersson

The ranking is published yearly by THE World Universities Insights Limited and is based on surveys to a number of selected individuals, and data covering 18 indicators, within five areas: teaching, research, citations, international outlook and industry income. The methodology for the ranking has been updated 2024, earlier the statistics was based on 13 indicators.  

Among the Swedish universities Karolinska Institutet has the highest ranking, with place 50, followed by KTH ranked number 97. Other Swedish universities on the top 250 list are Lund University (106), Uppsala University (140), and Gothenburg University (201–250).

The University of Oxford tops the list for the eighth consecutive year.

A record number of 1 904 universities from 108 countries and regions are included in the World Rankings this year – 105 more than last year – making it the largest edition to date.

See the entire list THE World University Rankings 2024.
THE World University Rankings 2024 methodology.
Read more about Stockholm University in different world ranking tables.