Stockholm university

The Heritage of Money and Coinage: Multiple Approaches to Ancient Coins and Economies

A new course within the CIVIS-network during the spring semester 2022. Apply by 21 December.

Andreas Bürklmair /Kunstsammlungen & Museen Augsburg.

The course The Heritage of Money and Coinage: Multiple Approaches to Ancient Coins and Economies will be given by the Department for Archaeology and Classical Studies in collaboration with colleagues from Sapienza Università di Roma and the University of Tübingen. 

The course dates are between 21 March-22 April 2022, and is open för Masterstudents and PhD-candidates. The lectures will be given online, but an excursion to Rome is included.

For more information and application form: The Heritage of Money and Coinage: Multiple Approaches to Ancient Coins and Economies

For more information abouit the course contact Senior Lecturer and Associate Professor, Nanouschka Myrberg Burström. E-Mail: Nanouschka Myrberg Burström