Stockholm university

Anki BengtssonSenior lecturer

About me

Anki Bengtsson, PhD, Senior Lecturer

Current teaching and course leader, Education in Career Counselling at the Department of Education

Educational History and Sociology of Culture

Education policy and education system

Organizations, Leaderhios and Professions

Work life and labour market in transition


Master's Programme in Education

Critical perspectives on career processes

Policy, evaluation and development

Work life, diversity and labour market


In addition, she supervises students at all levels (BA, MA and PhD).

Her research interests are educational philosophy and educational policy with special attention to higher education, labour market and career development.

Research Projects

R/EQUAL - Requalification of (recently) immigrated and refugee teachers in Europe (ERASMUS+)

During 2020-2021, I participated in the project R/EQUAL that focuses on international networking and the exchange of expertise in the field of higher education activities concerning (recently) immigrated and refugee teachers in Europe. R/EQUAL supports existing programmes at the Universities Stockholm, Vienna, Cologne and the University of Education Weingarten by collaborating on a European level. R/EQUAL is funded by the European Union in the programme ERASMUS+.  Link


Becoming a "Swedish teacher": A study of the Fast-track for recently immigrated teachers and pre-school teachers

In 2016, as part of a new labour market policy, the Swedish government launched a fast-track professional development programme for recently immigrated teachers, Snabbspåret. This project, which is run jointly by Anki Bengtsson and Larissa Mickwitz, involves focus group interviews with the participants in the educational programme, direct observation in school settings and public policy analysis. We aim to investigate the informants' professionalization process, and, further, attend to issues and aspects concerning organisation and governance. The project is funded by IFAU - The Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy. 


Nilsson, S., & Bengtsson, A. (2024). On the professional competence of career guidance counsellors: expectations and experiences of graduating students in Sweden. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 1–14.

Bengtsson, A. (2022). On epistemic justice in career guidance. British Journal of Career Guidance and Counselling, 50(4), 606-616.

Bengtsson, A. & Mickwitz, L. (2021) The complexity of professional integration: An investigation of newly arrived teachers’ initial process of establishing themselves as teachers in Sweden, European Educational Research Journal. 21(2), 214-229.. Available at

Bengtsson, A. & Mickwitz, L. (2019) Att bli ”svensk lärare” – En undersökning av Snabbspåret för nyanlända lärare och förskollärare (Becoming a "Swedish teacher". A study of the Fast-track for recently immigrated teachers and pre-school teachers], IFAU report 2019:31. Uppsala: The Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy. Link

Bengtsson, A. (2018) Re-thinking social justice, equality and emancipation: an invitation to attentive career guidance. In T. Hooley, R. Sultana & R. Thomsen (Eds.) Career Guidance for Social Justice: Contesting Neoliberalism, New York: Routledge. Link

Bengtsson, A. (2016). Governance of Career Guidance: an enquiry into European policy, Department of Education, Stockholm University, dissertation. Link

Bengtsson, A. (2015). Educating European Citizenship: Elucidating assumptions about teaching civic competencePolicy Futures in Education, 13(6), 788-800. DOI: 10.1177/1478210315595785

Bengtsson, A. (2015). European Career Guidance Policy: A focus on subtle regulatory mechanisms, Report - Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung (Journal for the Research on Adult Education)38(2), 241-250. DOI: 10.1007/s40955-015-0035-8

Bengtsson, A. (2015). Vägledning i ett EU-perspektiv. I A. Lovén (red.) Karriärvägledning. En forskningsöversikt. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Bengtsson, A. (2014) Enterprising Career Education: the power of self-management, International Journal of Lifelong Education,  special issue on Adult and Lifelong Education: The European Union, its member states and the world, 33(3), 362-375. DOI:10.1080/02601370.2014.896085

Bengtsson, A. (2011). European Policy of Career Guidance: the interrelationship between career self-management and production of human capital in the knowledge economy, Policy Futures in Education, 9(5), 616-627. doi:10.2304/pfie.2011.9.5.616

Conference papers (selective)

Bengtsson, A. & Larsson, E. (2022). Constructing the legitimacy of profit-making in the educational system: the case of educational firms in Sweden. Organizing the World 2.0. A Score Conference 6-7 October 2022. Stockholm University.

Bengtsson, A. (2019).  Cultivating Resilient Students? Re-Visiting Foucault’s Analysis of Subjectivity, Truth-Telling and Care of the Self. Presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting 2019, Toronto, Canada.

Bengtsson, A. (2016). Prevention of Radicalization in School: What can educators learn from Foucault's "truth-telling" and "self-care"? Workshop. Annual conference 1-3 April 2016, Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain, New College, Oxford,UK.


Current research project (2017-2019) : To become a "Swedish teacher": A study of 'Snabbspåret' for recently immigrated teachers which is run jointly by Anki Bengtsson and Larissa Mickwitz.  We aim to investigate the informants' professionalization process, and, further, attend to issues and aspects concerning organisation and governance. The project is funded by IFAU - The Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy.


A selection from Stockholm University publication database

  • Governance of Career Guidance

    2016. Anki Bengtsson, Klas Roth, Maria Olson.

    Thesis (Doc)

    The overall aim of this thesis is to enquire into and problematize the governance of career guidance and how individuals’ career management is constructed within EU policy. The empirical material consists of European policy documents produced during 2000-2015. The two central research questions explore (1) how European career guidance is made governable, and (2) how individuals’ career management is constructed and governed. The Foucauldian governmentality perspective and the analytic method of problematization is utilized. The analysis focuses on the compositions of normative forms of reason, discursive practices and techniques by which governing is exercised and knowledge is produced. The thesis is based on four articles, three of which concern career guidance and career management. The fourth article concerns education of citizenship. The analysis shows that the formation of a policy space for comparison of national systems of career guidance is significant for making European career guidance amenable to governance. It is mobilized by governing practices for involvement of institutional actors and the construction of standards of performance. This form of governance becomes effective on the condition that institutional actors use and produce knowledge and practices about what works in career guidance, and this implies self-control and constant monitoring. It is a complex process of producing self-regulation of career guidance adjustable to change and innovation in which both standardization and modulation are inbuilt. Moreover, this is dependent on the interplay of governance and self-government. Knowledge and practices shape career management as an individual competence, which each individual is assumed to achieve. The use of guidance techniques supporting this design and self-regulating practices contributes to responsibilizing individuals to achieve this competence. Knowledge of individuals’ management of their careers includes civic competence. This led me to extend my use of the theoretical framework to investigate how knowledge of civic competence is constructed in European policy documents concerning teacher education from 2000 to 2012. My analysis shows that presumptions of teaching civic competence support the production of the active and learning subject.

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