Stockholm university

Björn RogellResearcher, Docent

About me

I have a broad interested in environmental stress, local adaptation and phenotypic plasticity.



21. Nilsson-Örtman, V., Rogell, B., Stoks, R. and Johansson, F. In press. Ontogenetic changes in genetic variances of age-dependent plasticity along a latitudinal gradient. Heredity.

20. Stocks, M., Dean, R., Rogell, B. and Friberg, U. 2015.Sex-specific Trans-regulatory Variation on the Drosophila melanogaster X Chromosome. PLoS Genetics. e1005015

19. Dobler, R., Rogell, B., Budar, F. and Dowling, D.K. 2014. A meta-analysis of the strength and nature of cytoplasmic genetic effects. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. vol 27, pp. 2021-2034.

18. Kotrschal, A., Trombley, S., Rogell, B., Brannström, I., Foconi, E., Schmitz, M. and Kolm, N. 2014. The mating brain: early maturing sneaker males maintain investment into the brain also under fast body growth in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Evolutionary Ecology. vol. 28. pp. 1043-1055.

17. Rogell, B., Dean, R., Lemos, B. and Dowling, D.K. (2014). Mito-nuclear interactions as drivers of gene movement on and off the X-chromosome. BMC genomics. Vol 15 pp. 330

16. Kärvemo, S., Rogell, B. and Schroeder, M. (2014). Dynamics of spruce bark beetle infestation spots: Importance of local population size and landscape characteristics after a storm disturbance. Forest Ecology and Management. Vol 334 pp. 232-240

15. Rogell, B., Widegren, W., Hallsson, L., Berger, D., Björklund, M. and Maklakov, A.A. (2014). Sex-dependent evolution of life-history traits following adaptation to climate warming. Functional Ecology. Vol 28 pp. 469-478

14. Kotrschal, A., Rogell, B., Bundsen, A., Svensson, B., Zajitschek, S., Brännström, I., Immler, S., Maklakov, A.A. and Kolm, N. 2013.The benefit of evolving a larger brain: big-brained guppies preform better in a cognitive task. Animal Behaviour. Vol 86, e4-e6

13. Rogell, B., Dannewitz, J., Palm, S., Dahl, J., Petersson, E. and Laurila, A. (2013). Adaptive divergence in body size overrides the effects of plasticity across natural habitats in the brown trout. Ecology and Evolution. doi: 10.1002/ece3.579

12. Kotrschal, A., Rogell, B., Bundsen, A., Svensson, B., Zajitschek, S., Brännström, I., Immler, S., Maklakov, A.A. and Kolm, N. (2013). Artificial selection on relative brain size in the guppy reveals costs and benefits of evolving a larger brain. Current Biology, vol. 23, pp. 1-4.

11. Kotrschal, A., Rogell, B., Maklakov, A.A. and Kolm, N. (2012). Sex-specific plasticity in brain morphology depends on social environment of the guppy, Poecilia reticulata. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, vol. 66, pp. 1485-1492

10. Rogell, B., Dannewitz, J., Palm, S., Petersson, E., Dahl, J., Prestegaard, T., Järvi, T. and Laurila, A. (2012). Strong divergence in trait means but not in plasticity across hatchery and wild populations of sea-run brown trout Salmo trutta. Molecular Ecology, vol. 21, pp. 2963-2976

9. Rogell, B., Berglund, A., Laurila, A. and Höglund, J. (2011). Population divergence of life history traits in the endangered green toad: implications for a support release program. Journal of Zoology, vol. 285, pp. 46-55

8. Rudh, A., Rogell, B., Håstad, O. and Qvarnström, A. (2011). Rapid population divergence linked with co-variation between coloration and sexual display in strawberry poison frogs. Evolution, vol. 65, pp. 1271-1282

7. Rogell, B., Eklund, M., Thörngren, H., Laurila, A and Höglund, J. (2010). The effect of selection, drift and genetic variation on life-history trait divergence among insular populations of natterjack toad, Bufo calamita. Molecular Ecology, vol. 19, pp. 2229-22240

6. Rogell, B., Thörngren, H., Laurila, A and Höglund, J. (2010). Fitness costs associated with low genetic variation are reduced in a harsher environment in amphibian island populations. Conservation Genetics, vol. 11, pp. 489-496

5. Richter-Boix, A., Teplitsky, C., Rogell, B. and Laurila, A. (2010). Local selection modifies phenotypic divergence among Rana temporaria populations in the presence of gene flow. Molecular Ecology, vol. 19, pp. 716-731

4. Rogell, B., Thörngren, H., Palm, S., Laurila, A and Höglund, J. (2010). Genetic structure in peripheral populations of the natterjack toad, Bufo calamita, as revealed by AFLP. Conservation Genetics, vol. 11, pp. 173-181

3. Rogell, B., Hofman, M., Eklund, M., Laurila, A and Höglund, J. (2009). The interaction of multiple environmental stressors affects adaptation to a novel habitat in the natterjack toad Bufo calamita. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, vol. 22, pp. 2267-2277

2. Rudh, A., Rogell, B. and Höglund, J. (2007). Non-gradual variation in colour morphs of the strawberry poison frog Dendrobates pumilio: genetic and geographical isolation suggest a role for selection in maintaining polymorphism. Molecular Ecology, vol. 16, pp. 4284-4294

1. Rogell, B., Gyllenstrand, N and Höglund, J. (2005). Six polymorphic microsatellite loci in the Natterjack toad, Bufo calamita. Molecular Ecology Notes, vol. 5, pp. 639-640


A selection from Stockholm University publication database

  • Cryptic female Strawberry poison frogs experience elevated predation risk when associating with an aposematic partner

    2017. Julia Carolina Segami Marzal (et al.). Ecology and Evolution 7 (2), 744-750


    Population divergence in sexual signals may lead to speciation through prezygotic isolation. Sexual signals can change solely due to variation in the level of natural selection acting against conspicuousness. However, directional mate choice (i.e., favoring conspicuousness) across different environments may lead to gene flow between populations, thereby delaying or even preventing the evolution of reproductive barriers and speciation. In this study, we test whether natural selection through predation upon mate-choosing females can favor corresponding changes in mate preferences. Our study system, Oophaga pumilio, is an extremely color polymorphic neotropical frog with two distinctive antipredator strategies: aposematism and crypsis. The conspicuous coloration and calling behavior of aposematic males may attract both cryptic and aposematic females, but predation may select against cryptic females choosing aposematic males. We used an experimental approach where domestic fowl were encouraged to find digitized images of cryptic frogs at different distances from aposematic partners. We found that the estimated survival time of a cryptic frog was reduced when associating with an aposematic partner. Hence, predation may act as a direct selective force on female choice, favoring evolution of color assortative mating that, in turn, may strengthen the divergence in coloration that natural selection has generated.

    Read more about Cryptic female Strawberry poison frogs experience elevated predation risk when associating with an aposematic partner
  • Environmental stress correlates with increases in both genetic and residual variances

    2017. Piotr K. Rowinski, Björn Rogell. Evolution 71 (5), 1339-1351


    Adaptive evolutionary responses are determined by the strength of selection and amount of genetic variation within traits, however, both are known to vary across environmental conditions. As selection is generally expected to be strongest under stressful conditions, understanding how the expression of genetic variation changes across stressful and benign environmental conditions is crucial for predicting the rate of adaptive change. Although theory generally predicts increased genetic variation under stress, previous syntheses of the field have found limited support for this notion. These studies have focused on heritability, which is dependent on other environmentally sensitive, but nongenetic, sources of variation. Here, we aim to complement these studies with a meta-analysis in which we examine changes in coefficient of variation (CV) in maternal, genetic, and residual variances across stressful and benign conditions. Confirming previous analyses, we did not find any clear direction in how heritability changes across stressful and benign conditions. However, when analyzing CV, we found higher genetic and residual variance under highly stressful conditions in life-history traits but not in morphological traits. Our findings are of broad significance to contemporary evolution suggesting that rapid evolutionary adaptive response may be mediated by increased evolutionary potential in stressed populations.

    Read more about Environmental stress correlates with increases in both genetic and residual variances
  • Time-limited environments affect the evolution of egg-body size allometry

    2017. Simon Eckerström-Liedholm (et al.). Evolution 71 (7), 1900-1910


    Initial offspring size is a fundamental component of absolute growth rate, where large offspring will reach a given adult body size faster than smaller offspring. Yet, our knowledge regarding the coevolution between offspring and adult size is limited. In time-constrained environments, organisms need to reproduce at a high rate and reach a reproductive size quickly. To rapidly attain a large adult body size, we hypothesize that, in seasonal habitats, large species are bound to having a large initial size, and consequently, the evolution of egg size will be tightly matched to that of body size, compared to less time-limited systems. We tested this hypothesis in killifishes, and found a significantly steeper allometric relationship between egg and body sizes in annual, compared to nonannual species. We also found higher rates of evolution of egg and body size in annual compared to nonannual species. Our results suggest that time-constrained environments impose strong selection on rapidly reaching a species-specific body size, and reproduce at a high rate, which in turn imposes constraints on the evolution of egg sizes. In combination, these distinct selection pressures result in different relationships between egg and body size among species in time-constrained versus permanent habitats.

    Read more about Time-limited environments affect the evolution of egg-body size allometry

Show all publications by Björn Rogell at Stockholm University