Stockholm university

David MarshAssociate Professor

About me


Extreme astrophysical environments provide rare opportunities to test the fundamental laws of nature under conditions that go beyond the limitations of terrestrial laboratories. In my research, I develop the theory and phenomenology of well-motivated microphysical models. I then use these to identify and -- when relevant -- search for observational signals from new fundamental physics that may be imprinted on astronomical or cosmological observables. 

In the past, much of my research has focused on the cosmology of string compactifications, the theory of inflation, and astronomical signals from axions.

My publications can be found here.

Since February 2024, I serve as the Vice Director of EuCAPT, the European Consortium for AstroParticle Theory.


Group members

Joshua Eby, Postdoc, 2023- ....

Oindrilla Ghosh, Postdoc, 2023- ...

Pierluca Carenza, Postdoc, 2021-...

Eike Müller, PhD student, 2019-...


Previous member:

Gustavo Salinas, Postdoc, 2021-2023

Theodor Björkmo, PhD student (DAMTP, University of Cambridge), 2016-2019.


Career history

2019 -...:        Assistant professor, Stockholm University
2015-2019:     Stephen Hawking Advanced Fellow, University of Cambridge.
2012-2015:     Postdoc, University of Oxford.
2012:             Ph.D., Cornell University.
2007:             M.Sc., Uppsala University.

Research projects

