Stockholm university

Elisabeth Ahlinder

About me

Associate professor in Private Law, Land Law

Member of the Education Committee, the Foundation of October 28, 1982 and the Tenant Law Discussion Club, non-profit association (HDK)


Course manager for the basic course Civil Law D (with Richard Hager) and for the special course Central Land Law on the Master of Laws programme. Teaches in the courses Civil Law D, Central Land Law, Commercial Contract Law. Supervises and examines students on the final thesis course of the law programme and doctoral candidates.


Conducts research in Land Law (private law, administrative Law, constitutional law). Previous and ongoing research covers issues relating to i.a. mortgages, property purchase requirements, tenant law, co-op housing associations, expropriation, planning and zoning, telecommunication rights in land, human rights and comparative law.

Post doc, holder of The Stockholm Centre Oxford Fellowship at the Institute of European and Comparative Law, University of Oxford, senior member of Christ Church (2016/17)

Guest researcher at Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg (2017)

Guest researcher at the Center for Real Estate Studies, New York Law School, New York (2010) 

Research projects


A selection from Stockholm University publication database

  • Fair Compensation for Telecom Rights in Land in Sweden and the UK

    2018. Elisabeth Ahlinder.


    This article explores how the ever-increasing demand for and rapid development of high-speed broadband have influenced the policy for compensation for compulsory grants of telecom rights in land in Sweden and the UK. The article assesses whether the compensation in Sweden and the UK is fair in relation to compensation for other necessary social infrastructures such as water and electricity, consideration for equivalent voluntary rights in land, general principles of expropriation law and the right to peaceful enjoyment of property according to Article 1 in the first Protocol of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR).

    Read more about Fair Compensation for Telecom Rights in Land in Sweden and the UK
  • Förskottshyra och deposition – Om skälighet och giltighet av vanligt förekommande villkor

    2018. Elisabeth Ahlinder. Juridisk Tidskrift (2), 372-395


    Säkerhetsvillkor i form av exempelvis deposition och bankgarantier är vanligt förekommande vid hyra och fyller en viktig funktion för såväl hyresvärdar som hyresgäster. För hyresvärdar utgör möjligheten att uppställa säkerhetsvillkor ett skydd för hyresvärdens ekonomiska intressen. För hyresgäster kan möjligheten för hyresvärdar att ställa krav på säkerhet vara en avgörande förutsättning för att hyresgästen ska accepteras som avtalspart och ges möjlighet att hyra en lägenhet. Möjligheten att begära säkerhet för hyra eller eventuella kostnader som kan uppkomma på grund av hyresavtalet kan i vissa fall vara avgörande för hyresvärdens vilja att ingå avtal med en viss hyresgäst. Utan möjlighet att begära säkerhet skulle det exempelvis bli svårare för hyresgäster med osäker inkomst eller betalningsanmärkningar att få teckna hyresavtal.

    Även om krav på deposition, förskottshyra eller annan form av säkerhet för betalning av hyra eller andra kostnader som kan uppkomma på grund av ett hyresavtal är vanligt förekommande och fyller en viktig funktion på hyresmarknaden, är den rättsliga effekten i flera avseenden är oklar. I artikeln diskuteras och klargörs vissa grundläggande frågor om rättslig verkan av villkor om säkerhet i hyresavtal. Artikeln behandlar bland annat grundläggande likheter och skillnader mellan vanligt förekommande former av säkerhetsvillkor, grundläggande utgångspunkter och regler avseende villkor om förskottshyra, tolkning av oklara eller ofullständiga villkor om förskottshyra,  under vilka förutsättningar villkor om pant eller deposition kan anses skäliga samt vilka rättsliga konsekvenser som kan följa av en försämring av säkerheten samt risken för att hög deposition eller förskottshyra kan anses utgöra villkor om särskild ersättning.

    Read more about Förskottshyra och deposition – Om skälighet och giltighet av vanligt förekommande villkor
  • Business tenant protection - For whom? For what? How? Security of tenure within UK, Swedish and Australian law

    2017. Elisabeth Ahlinder.


    Business tenants in many countries are seen to be in need of tenant protection with respect to unfair lease terms and other exploitations by landlords. Small business tenants are particularly vulnerable at the end of a lease term. Harsh and oppressive behaviour by unscrupulous landlords demanding excessive rent increases or substantial one-off fee payments as conditions for renewing business leases has historically forced many tenants to submit to landlord demands even at the risk of business failure. The purpose of providing tenants with statutory protection at the end of a lease term primarily is to balance the bargaining powers of the parties. Providing tenants with such protection reduces their risks for economic losses, affecting the balance of the parties’ bargaining powers throughout the entire lease term. A comparative perspective is used here to explore the different legal approaches and solutions to business tenant protection at the end of a lease term as found in the United Kingdom (‘UK’), Sweden and Australia. The complexity of regulating and balancing the parties’ interests, rights and responsibilities at the end of a lease term in the diverse business tenancy market is examined and analysed. Whether it is possible, feasible or even desirable to legislate tenant protection that fits all interests and purposes is a main theme in this work. A form of tenant protection is sought that at the same time is efficient and flexible. It must be efficient enough to provide protection for tenants, such as the small barber shop on the street corner, and also flexible enough to allow tenants to negotiate at arm’s-length to create and formulate the lease that they want, for example, an international retail company holding a tenancy of large prime location premises.

    Read more about Business tenant protection - For whom? For what? How? Security of tenure within UK, Swedish and Australian law
  • Finansiering med fastigheter som säkerhetsunderlag

    2013. Elisabeth Ahlinder (et al.).

    Thesis (Doc)

    This doctoral dissertation examines the extent to which the actual use of commercial premises as security is consistent with how such premises theoretically are to be used for such purposes. The objective is to examine the functionality of the Swedish Land Code (LC)(1970:994) in relationship to the use of alternative financing forms and techniques.

    The theoretical approach for the use of real estate as a security object is that such is achieved by the assignment of a pledge in real estate. With the commercial use of real estate, the real estate pledge is not the only, nor in certain cases even the primary, form of use of real estate for the purposes of security. Financing occurs to a great extent, for example, using real estate leasing, real estate bonds, Mezzanine loans, pledges in shares of a real estate holding company and through ringfencing structures.

    This doctoral dissertation posits that the differences between the actual and theoretical uses of real estate parcels as security can entail that uncertainties and incompatibilities in relationship to LC arise. These problems can be seen to arise as a consequence of internationalization, the categorization of real and personal property, the intent to circumvent rules, the fact that common law based contract structures are applied in a Swedish system, the use of standard agreements, and the requirements of credit ratings.  

    The different uses with respect to real estate and security as discussed in this dissertation are not completely compatible with each other. The use of alternatives and complements to real estate pledges affects the fulfillment of the legal objectives of real estate law and constitutes a problem in relationship to the function of legitimacy. In addition, the intended functions of the alternative financing forms and techniques to a certain degree are impeded by the mandatory regulations, form requirements and debtor creditor legal principles in LC.

    Read more about Finansiering med fastigheter som säkerhetsunderlag

Show all publications by Elisabeth Ahlinder at Stockholm University

Private Law, Land Law
