Stockholm university

Erik ForsbergPhD Student

About me

I am a doctoral student with a special interest in social psychology and psychometry. My dissertation focuses on measurement problems regarding morality and values, ​​and my studies on the subject have mainly consisted of in-depth analyses of popular questionnaires within the field using item response theory methodology. In connection with this, my dissertation project has become centered around the development of D3mirt (, an application for R based on descriptive multidimensional item response theory. D3mirt is used to create three-dimensional interactive models of data from dichotomous- (two response options) or polytomous (more than two response options) items that measure psychological abilities in a wide sense. Examples of items in this context can be Likert scales to measure personality traits or items that measure knowledge or intelligence. Central to the application is that it creates an interactive three-dimensional latent space in which the items show where they discriminate best.

In addition to the above, my research interest has led to a strong focus on understanding other social psychological relevant constructs for morality, such as empathy and sympathy and their counterparts in splitting, aggression, dichotomous thinking, and intolerance of ambiguity. Consequently, the developmental perspective, in the form of heritability, biological and cultural evolution, and the effect of complex trauma, follows as an important area for my project, given their importance for the formation of the individual's values ​​and personality in a broader context. In addition to psychology, I have also a great interest in philosophy, mainly the philosophy of consciousness and Eastern philosophical traditions.



Forsberg, E., & Sjöberg, A. (In print). A DIF Analysis of the Moral Foundations Questionnaire Comparing Political Ingroups in Sweden, European Journal of Psychological Assessment.

Forsberg, E. (2024). D3mirt: Descriptive Three-Dimensional Multidimensional Item Response Theory for R. Journal of Open Source Software, 9(99), 6523,

Forsberg, E., & Sjöberg, A. (2024). A Validation Study of the Extended Relevance Scale Using the D3mirt Package for R. Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives.

Forsberg, E., & Sjöberg, A. (2021). Tracing Morals: Reconstructing the Moral Foundations Questionnaire in New Zealand and Sweden Using Mokken Scale Analysis and Optimal Scaling Procedure. Journal of Applied Measurement, 22(1/2), 60-82. Preprint:

Forsberg, E., Nilsson, A., & Jörgensen, Ö. (2019). Moral dichotomization at the heart of prejudice : The role of moral foundations and intolerance of ambiguity in generalized prejudice. Social Psychological and Personality Science10(8), 1002–1010.



Forsberg, E. (2024). D3mirt: Descriptive 3D Multidimensional Item Response Theory Modelling (R package version 2.0.4).