Stockholm university

Samuel Lundqvist

About me

I am an Associate Professor in Mathematics at the Department of Mathematics.

As part of my duty I serve as the Director of studies in Mathematics, and I am a member of the undergraduate education committee at the Faculty of Science.


My research area is experimental commutative algebra.

Almost all my publications are available as preprints on arXiv.

Co-authors: Nasrin Altafi, Cajsa-Lisa Andersson, Mats Boij, Kåre Bremer, Tom Britton, Michela Ceria, Veronica Crispin Quinonez, Ralf Fröberg, Oleksandra Gasanova, David Jaqcuet, Filip Jonsson Kling, Clas Löfwall, Teo Mora, Gleb Nenashev, Lisa Nicklasson, Alessandro Oneto, Bruce Reznick, Jan-Erik Roos, Boris Shapiro.

Computer programs
I am the co-author of
- the phylogenetic dating program pathd8,
- the Macaulay2 package GradedLieAlgebras.

Eric Dannetun (2024-), Filip Jonsson Kling (2022-), and Lisa Nicklasson (2015-2020).


I run the Stockholm Problem Seminar in Commutative Algebra jointly with Lisa Nicklasson.

Research projects