Stockholm university

Research project DVD-readable Lab-on-a-Disc medical device for obesity management

The project will develop a novel portable medical device to monitor the most appropriate biomarkers in a decentralized way that uses electronics, optics, electrochemistry, and microfluidics. This new medical device is cost-efficient and will play a crucial role in managing chronic disorders such as obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Obesity is one of the most common and costly chronic disorder worldwide, and is a causal or a strong risk factor for several comorbidities, as type 2 diabetes (T2D), which is now reaching epidemic proportions. To monitor multifactorial disorders such as obesity and T2D, clinical evidences from more than one biomarker are crucial. Current multiplexed systems present limited multiplicity capacities because they combine individual tests spatially separated from the others requiring complex and bulky instruments (e.g., HPLC), so they are difficult to operate out of the laboratory. To overcome current limitations, a novel multiplexed medical device is proposed here to enable for the very first time the fully control of chronic disorders.

Project description

Here, we will develop a disruptive medical device combining electronics, optics, electrochemistry and microfluidics to monitor the most appropriate biomarkers in a friendly and decentralized way. No one has previously proposed a useful multiplexed approach as this, which will facilitate current chronic disorders management. Thus, this novel cost-effective and portable multiplexed medical device, with unique and unprecedented attributes, will play a role key in the accurate management of chronic disorders.

Project members

Project managers

Nicole Pamme


Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry
Nicole Pamme

Pablo Giménez-Gómez

Post Doc

Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry
Pablo Giménez-Gómez